1/35 Garford-Putilov Armoured Car - Copperstate Models

Started by George R Blair Jr · 153 · 1 week ago · 1/35, armoured car, Copperstate Models, Garford-Putilov Armoured Car, russian, ww1
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    George R Blair Jr said 4 weeks ago:

    Today I sprayed dark green Tamiya paint over the exterior, which had previously been based-coated with black primer. I wanted to have a green that was dark enough that you really had to look to see if it was dark green or black you were looking at. I think I succeeded. The next step will be to paint several different colors of green to create a well-used appearance. I wanted to button up the model so that I could spray everything at the same time. Before I could install the roofs on the armoured car, I needed to complete the small bits on the inside. There are 3 machine guns to add, which I had previously painted black with a green frame. I applied some Mig Gun Metal pigments to the guns with a cotton swab. I really like the effect you get. I painted and started assembling all of the parts that will be inside the fighting compartment. I plan to let the glue dry overnight, just to guard against anything coming adrift after closing everything up. I hope to add the roofs and start working on the 76mm gun tomorrow. Cheers everyone.

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 weeks, 6 days ago:

    You definitely succeeded in the dark-dark-green painting, George @gblair
    It looks to be black but also shows a greenish shade.
    Nice work on the gun part.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 weeks, 6 days ago:

    Looking excellent so far, my friend @gblair!

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 weeks, 6 days ago:

    Thanks John (@johnb) and Spiros (@fiveten). I wanted a really dark base for the next colors.

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    Carl Smoot said 3 weeks, 6 days ago:

    I really like that dark green color George (@gblair). I think you nailed that one. It is nicely offset by the interior color. I can't wait to see the final reveal on this build!

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 weeks, 6 days ago:

    Thanks, Carl (@clipper). This is a fun model that has come together quickly. I need to start on the diorama base soon, as well as the 2 figures that will go on it. I haven't done a diorama base for a long time, so it should be fun.

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 weeks, 6 days ago:

    I spent my modeling time today trying to get all of the last parts ready to add to the armoured car. Once I add the roofs to the model, the interior will be largely inaccessible, so I wanted to be sure everything on the interior was done. I also got started on the turret for the 76mm cannon. It was here that I almost made a big mistake. I don't know why I thought this, but I had assumed the interior of the cannon turret would be dark green, unlike the white interior of the rest of the car. Luckily I was in the "check everything twice" mode, and I discovered (in the kit instructions, of all places) that the interior of the cannon turret was white. I used the dark green to act as a little preshading opportunity.

    I also added the roof to the forward section of the vehicle. Thanks to me being slightly off when assembling the side, the roof required a little help to fit well. It amazing what you can do with glue and a few yards of tape. Cheers.

    11 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Carl Smoot said 3 weeks, 6 days ago:

    The paintwork on this is just getting better and better George (@gblair). You definitely have a knack for this. Especially getting it to look weathered just the right way, at least to my eyes.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 weeks, 5 days ago:

    You made some very nice progress, George @gblair
    The searchlight is indeed good looking, nicely detailed.
    Glad you checked twice for the correct interior color, looks great now with the 'preshading'.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 weeks, 5 days ago:

    Looking excellent so far, my friend @gblair! Great you found out the correct color for the turret interior in time.

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    Paul Barber said 3 weeks, 5 days ago:

    Wonderful work @gblair. Interior wear and tear looks perfect!

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 weeks, 5 days ago:

    Thanks for stopping in:
    Carl (@clipper)
    John (@johnb)
    Spiros (@fiveten)
    Paul (@yellow10)

    This is really a nice kit and has been fun to build. I was hoping to get moving on the exterior today, but we will be watching our granddaughter today while her mom and dad have an anniversary date. I don't think much will get done today on the model.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 weeks, 5 days ago:

    Taking care of your granddaughter must be wonderful but exhausting as well, George @gblair
    Good luck.

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 weeks, 5 days ago:

    Hi John (@johnb). You are right. I always need a nap after taking care of Evelyn. She has only two speed: asleep and running as fast as she can. I still hope to get something done on the armoured car today.

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 weeks, 5 days ago:

    Got a little bit done before we take off to watch my granddaughter. I sprayed two more layers of paint in the center of each panel, with each layer being slightly lighter than the previous one. It is very subtle, which is what I was aiming for.

    I started work on the turret for the 76mm cannon. As it was with the rest of the kit, the sides attach to each other using just a beveled edge. There are no locating pins or other devices to hold things in place. Basically you glue two sides and then hold them together until the glue is dry. It is very easy to distort until you get the front, 2 sides, and the roof glued together.

    Last thing on the list today was to finish the 76mm cannon and paint it. I should be able to add it to the turret tomorrow.

    Cheers everyone.

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.