It has been some time since I last posted on this build, attending family matters and the difficulty of the build have caused the delay.
Pic.1. I have used some HGW transparent dark natural wood decal for the interior, I think its too dark, but there it is.
Pic.2. The fuselage did not want to join up properly and required a lot of trial and error to get it to close.
Pic.3. Finally closed, with some filling and clean-up to follow .
The engine did not fit into the engine bay, had to remove the supercharger and file port side of the engine mount so that it would finally fit. You cannot see that the blower is missing so it ain't fitted.
It has been a pain to get it thus far, now to tackle the lozenge and camo decals, the lozenge is at 45Deg., so should be fun.
Must admit I almost put it in the " too hard bin" several times but am resolved to complete it.
4 attached images. Click to enlarge.