Roden 1/32 Sopwith Triplane.

Started by IAN Convey · 68 · 2 hours ago
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    IAN Convey said 2 weeks, 5 days ago:

    The Sopwith Triplane was an extension of the Sopwith Pup design in that it used the Pups fuselage ( although modified ) with the 3 wings being of an unusually low chord which would improve the pilots view from the cockpit. It also sported ailerons on all 3 wings which gave it spectacular maneuverability as was its rate of climb. On its 1st test flight Harry Hawker did 3 loops in a row within minutes from taking off. It no longer looked or performed like the Pup.

    In April 1917 6 Squadrons of the RNAS took delivery of their new Sopwith Triplanes and from their 1st clash with the Albatros D111 they proved they were the new top dog in the air.

    The combat career of the Sopwith Triplane was glorious but brief , not because it was not capable but because it was extremely time consuming and difficult to repair and maintain.

    The most famous triplane flight in the RNAS was the Black Flight led by Lt.Col. Raymond Collishaw who decimated the German fighters in their area .

    I shall be building this A/C in the livery of the Australian Capt. Robert Little No. 8 Sqd. RNAS.

    The Triplanes short successful career was soon taken by its stablemate the Sopwith F1 (Camel)

    The kit has the typical Roden no nonsense instruction sheet and I will include Qunta studio interior decals, Yahn istrument panel and a Plusmodel Vickers gun.

    7 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 weeks, 5 days ago:

    I am looking forward to this one, Ian (@firelockg). I was doing some research on a Fokker Triplane that I am getting ready to start, and they mentioned that all of the combatants in WW1 went through a triplane craze that led to a number of triplanes being designed. According to this article, the Sopwith Triplane was the first to enter combat. Probably not as well known as the Fokker, I think it is just as cool.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 weeks, 5 days ago:

    Fantastic entry, my friend @firelockg! Looking forward to it!

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    Tom Cleaver said 2 weeks, 5 days ago:

    Bob Little, the Australian ace of aces, is an excellent choice.

    Check out my review at Modeling Madness:

    (and yes, WNW did come out with a Tripehound - after Roden's went OOP)

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    IAN Convey said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:


    I think the triplane craze was a result of the tripehounds success, The Sopwith being the better of the 2 triplanes except in armament, it was more maneuverable and the pilot had better visibility, handy when someone is trying to put the sneak on you. Its speed and ROC were also exceptional for its time.


    I had a look at your review ( nice model of Collishaw's A/C by the way.) and was surprised that Bob Little flew one of the tripes with 2 vickers guns, have to get another gun now, which solves the problem of the 2 empty cartridge chutes on the kit.


    Thanks, I am looking forward to the build to.

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    IAN Convey said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Lets begin with the engine.

    Pic.1 As you can see there is a fair bit of flash, but easy to remove.

    Pic.2 Shall replace the plastic valve lifters with .5mm brass rod, with silver steel sleeves at the base.

    Pic.3 The rods fitted, they don't line up straight but it will have to do , should have glued plastic ones in place then cut them off before drilling housing, next time. Spark plugs made from .8mm brass tube with steel outer sleeve and .3 inner wire.

    Pic.4 & Pic5. SMS gunmetal all over.

    Pic.6 Manifold, sparkplugs and plug leads all painted.

    Pic.7 Paint removed from brass lifters and crankcase painted aluminium.

    Pic.8 Wooden bits painted with base coat (forgot the prop.) Vallejo natural wood grain. will finish with burnt sienna oils.

    Pic 6

    8 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Spectacular job on the engine, my friend @firelockg!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Looks like a wonderful set, Ian @firelockg
    That engine does already look amazing.

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    IAN Convey said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Spiros & John, the engine is not to bad except for the lifters that are out of align. won't happen again.

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Engine looks awesome, Ian (@firelockg). All the extra work looks great and will really be worth the extra work once installed.

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    Kevin M. Batterman said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Great choice Ian as the Sopwith Tripe is my favorite WWI bird. When the Roden kit first came out I built it and it came out very nice. One thing I did not know at the time is that the fuselage was too short. From what I understand the kit was based on the prototype and the production models had a lengthened fuselage. Some time ago I found an article where the builder showed how he extended the fuselage behind the cockpit. You may want to try and find it and hope this does not discourage you.

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    IAN Convey said 2 weeks, 4 days ago:

    The engine is not to bad except those bloody out of align lifters, probably will not notice when installed and cowling on.
    I have read that article about lengthening the fuselage, but for the life of me can't find it again. I think it was lengthened by 4mm half way between the cockpit and tail , would need to see the article again before I did anything drastic.

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    IAN Convey said 2 weeks, 2 days ago:

    A bit more done today, just seem to be shuffling parts about without any progress.
    Pic 1 cockpit floor.
    Pic 2 wicker seat and belts, Instrument panel and Vickers MGs , all ready to go in. Guns and seat are Gaspatch., Panel is Quinta with added instrument dials. Seatbelts Quinta.
    Pic 3 fuselage sides, wooden framing done with weathering pencil. Next step to close it all up.

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 weeks, 2 days ago:

    This is impressive progress, Ian @firelockg
    Very nice work done.

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 weeks, 2 days ago:

    Interior and assorted bits look very nice, Ian (@firelockg). I wish there was a Quinta set for 1/28 Dr.1s, but no luck there. These set really bring up the level of the cockpit without too much effort. I don't think I would worry too much about the short fuselage. I don't think most people would be able to tell it was missing 4mm.