German Pontoon Bridge in 1:35 (Scratchbuild)

Started by Michel Verschuere · 60 · 1 month ago · 1/35, Bridge, Pontoon, Wehrmacht, WWII
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    Michel Verschuere said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Update, been spending couple of hours this weekend finalizing individual sub-assemblies. This is a great kit but it is easy to hold some alternative feelings about it, the fiddly bits may on the one hand assist in a perfect representation of the vehicle, but - in my view - Bronco is the only one to challenge modellers in this way. Alternative kit makers for Kfz. 15 (Tamiya and Italeri) make more shortcuts for that reason.

    Here is a walkaround after adding decals on the vehicle (Staff comms. vehicle of the 10th Pz. division in Russia "Guderian", hence the "G") and giving it a shot of acrylic matt varnish.

    Getting there... Since this vehicle was intended in a dio combined with Brückengerat B (a standard pontoon bridge) I will deliver it - when finished - to the main feed but out of the desired context. I am renovating a new house that will allow for more space for a decent workbench, including a 3D print corner. I will transition from Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) to Stereolithography, which allows for higher resolution prints. I can't do this in my present workshop because bedrooms are next door and SLA produces toxic fumes.

    The pontoon bridge dio requires some parts that are easiest to produce as 3D print, so I will give it a new boost after moving to the new house (I hope this year). You can keep me to it!

    Happy modeling, MIchel.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Looks fantastic so far, my friend @michel-verschuere! Your upcoming movement to your new house will certainly give you more modeling possibilities.

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    Michel Verschuere said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Thank you @fiveten, kalinixta!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Gute nacht!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Looks wonderful from every angle, Michel @michel-verschuere
    Good luck with the renovation work, will be great to have a larger hobby room in the end.

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Vehicle looks great, Michel (@michel-verschuere). Good luck on the new house, I am sure all of this prep work will be worth it. I am lucky to have both a fliament printer and a liquid resin printer. I know some of the resins can produce toxic fumes, but I have never noticed any fumes from either machine. For STL printing, I make sure the cover is always in-place when printing, and that seems to contain any fumes. I have never used any liquid resin other than washable resin. I don't know if this makes a difference, but I don't really encounter any fumes. I use both machines in my garage. I always use latex gloves when I am handling the liquid resin, but that is a different issue. Looking forward to all the cool stuff that you will print.

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    Michel Verschuere said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Thank you @gblair for the info. I only read about STL for now, I did not get one yet. I thought an Anycubic Photon but by next year there may be better choices! I will use washable resin too then!

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Hi Michel (@michel-verschuere): I had a Creality resin printer for several years, then I got an Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra last year. It was the newest model last year, but the newer printers have many more features. Resin printers are like computers-the technology improves every day. I have heard that Elegoo and Anycubic are similar. I have never used anything other than washable resin. I have had great success using it, and I really like the ability to use water instead of alcohol to clean a new print.

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    Michel Verschuere said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Thanks @gblair, I am learning from the best. I haven't made a decision yet, often I check reviews like this one:

    Take care and thanks!

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Thanks for the link, Michel (@michel-verschuere). I did a lot of research before I bought my first printer, but if you haven't printed before it is hard to figure out what you want. I had a lot better idea what my preferences were when I got my second printer. I am still a new guy in 3D printing, and I know just enough to do the small things I need for models and the occasional figure. My next step is that I want to learn how to use 3D design software so I can create my own items. I have good luck find the needed files for my projects online for either no cost or a nominal cost.

    Here are a couple of sites you might be interested in:

      This is a site that searches a number of sites for 3D print files. I find most of my stuff on
      This is a very simple and free site that allows you to design your own objects. You use basic shapes to create your design. It is intuitive enough that I have never read the instructions. I can't say that about many other sites.

    Good luck in your hunt. You will really enjoy printing. A 3D printer is like an airbrush. Once you get one, you aren't sure how you every survived without one.

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    Michel Verschuere said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Thank you @gblair. I have experience with FDM 3D printer, I own a Prusa I3 since about 8 years and program my shapes usually in Openscad. It is not that hard, all very logic. The reason why I want to transition to SLA is the higher resolution. My 8yo Prusa makes 0.2mm at best and my modeling aspirations are of a higher resolution. There is no print I ever picked up from the web until now, but I will check out the links, thanks very much!

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    Louis Gardner said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Michel Verschuere (@michel-verschuere)
    I am very happy to see you are working on this again. Congrats are in order for your new home. 3D printing is something that opens up all kinds of possibilities. It's also something that I know very little about, but would like to learn how to do. Getting a printer would be the next step for me, but I would need something that is user friendly and easy to set up.

    The staff car looks incredible ! A typical style of building we have come to expect from you. Well done !

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    Michel Verschuere said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    @gblair @fiveten @lgardner thanks so much. I once wrote a summary on 3D printing for modelers but it seems to have been lost under the groups section

    Here is a summary in between my German air ministry WiP thread:

    Work in Progress: The German Air Ministry 1941
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    Michel Verschuere said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:
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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Great that you (re)shared this very nice info, my friend @michel-verschuere!