Ferrari 458.

Started by Simon Whitney · 89 · 8 years ago
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    Bernd Müller said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Looking fine, Simon. Its great to see you proceeding on this build so steadily

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    Simon Whitney said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Hi all, thanks for the comments guys.
    Well with not long to go before my wife Rose and I go off to visit our mum down in Devon for a few days , so an update.
    First of all, the engine bay and airbox were detailed then given a coat of gloss varnish before decals.

    after decalling they looked like this.

    but not happy...

    After the bodyshell was given a coat of primer filler and left to dry.

    Once dried, overnight, I was able to give the bodyshell a light rub over with some micro mesh 3600.
    Then gave her a coat of Tamiya XF3

    After an hour I then applied a second coat to the bodyshell and then left it to dry completely.

    The other bits to be yellow was done as well.
    Will add pics when we come back.

    All comments welcome.

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    Bernd Müller said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Looks very nice, Simon. Your way to "pop out" all these nice details, is really amazing.
    The whole build so far is a pleasure to follow !

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    Simon Whitney said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Thanks Bernd, well we have been away for a few days, so I have just done a little bit.
    I managed to rub the bodyshell over with some 4000/6000 micro mesh, before spraying a coat of X8 .
    Also gave the tail gate a coat.

    It does look not very glossy to me, so once she is dry, I will give her a light polish with some 10000 micro mesh before applying a second coat.
    Then I shall go from there?

    All comments welcome,

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    Simon Whitney said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Right, lets press on.
    A double episode..
    Started to apply the decals.
    All went down fine apart from one...

    I also noticed that the ejector fairy had been at work again, damn.

    I will sort that out later.
    The one decal that was a problem was this one.

    Trimmed to fit you might say.
    But with a bit of luck.

    I am going to leave her overnight t dry before applying a final coat of gloss varnish.
    Then she will be in the box for a couple of days to cure.

    All comments welcome.

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    Simon Whitney said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Sorry if I am not going fast enough , but life gets in the way.

    Anyhow, on wards.
    Second coat added and left to dry.
    Then the unmasking... how much will I need to touch up?

    The answer is not as bad as I thought.
    The wing mirror faces, well, numb nuts here did not realise that I was looking at their backsides..
    So here they are fitted.

    Then the exhausts were fitted.

    Followed by the main lights.

    And the rear vents.

    I am leaving alone overnight and doing more tomorrow hopefully.

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    George Williams said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    It reminds me of an old Donovan song! Regarding the shine, I'm a fan of scaling down the gloss finish, although how you measure 1/24 of the real thing's shine I'm not sure... if it's too glossy then it's easy to achieve a toy like appearance, but I think it's a personal thing. Whatever, you're nearly there now, Simon, great stuff.

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    George Williams said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Yawn, I'm getting a bit bored of those old Mono' kits that were built a hundred years ago and are now getting a second airing, this is now, great stuff, Simon!

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    Simon Whitney said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Thanks for the comments, nearly on the home straight .
    With the front end nearly finished, I finished off the back end, almost.
    First the shiny bits.

    then the lens and number plate.

    OK but from above, oh s***

    Annoyed to say the least , but oh well.
    As for the engine, you won`t see much of that ..

    Hope to update soon.

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    Simon Whitney said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Well it is time to do the final assembly bit.

    All parts here? hope so.

    Roof and dashboard fascia fitted.

    With the engine cover fitted temp, to allow alignment.

    I taped it into place and also the main cabin for some pics.

    Going to leave it for tonight.
    Tomorrow, I will clean the joining faces and fit the side windows, then the cabin and front intake.

    All comments welcome.

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    Bernd Müller said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Excellent build so far, not easy but you are mastering all problems. Its also very nice, that you go for a yellow Ferrari, instead of a red one.
    All the lovely details, that you are "popping out" looks really convincing to me

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    Simon Whitney said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Thank you Bernd, things have progressed a little.
    Cleaned the joining ares this morning.
    Attached the air intake, and smudged it, oh dear, another touch up.

    Also found that the roof liner had not stuck down properly so out with the glue.

    But the tailgate is done and ready to fit later.

    Will post tomorrow if I can.

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    Simon Whitney said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Right then, it is Sunday and I have got some news.
    No, we all know Elvis is still dead.
    Fitted the tailgate last night.

    With the engine bay cover.

    Then the cabin, which was fun, not a lot of glueing area.
    The pot of Alcad did the job to hold her steady.

    Allow to dry.
    Then joined the two halves.

    Can you see the mistake?
    Nearly done.

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    George Williams said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Well, I think it would have been easier to have fitted the glazing (i.e. the windscreen) first! But the halves haven't been glued (have they), so it should be easy to fix.