Pocher 1:8 Scale 1907 Fiat Grand Prix Race Car Rebuild??

Started by Greg Fabian · 36 · 2 years ago · 1:8 Scale, Automotive, Fiat 1907, Pocher
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    Csaba said 3 years ago:

    That chassis looks great!
    Yes, I am aware of the price tag - I was thinking of a full plastic kit of a similar car in smaller scale. These models are awesome, but way above my usual modeling budget.

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    Greg Fabian said 3 years ago:

    That would be the way to go, @pikofix, especially if you can pickup a model engineered in the past 20 years.

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    Greg Fabian said 3 years ago:

    Work this week consisted of installing the exhaust system and test fitting the floor, back portion of the body with seats, and the gear shift and brake levers. I haven't yet installed the cable to the rear brakes, that will happen near the very end of the build. I just ordered some tubing to replace the cooling hoses and some brass sheet to replace the part that fell off the front of the radiator over the decades. These parts should come after next week.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Greg Fabian said 2 years, 11 months ago:

    Work on the old Fiat ground to a halt as I was waiting for some materials to be delivered. COVID still rears its ugly head on the supply chain. This latest task consisted of replacing the coolant hoses with styrene tubing. The original vinyl hoses had hardened over the decades to the point where they crumbled when I removed them from the engine. That shouldn't be a problem with the new styrene hoses, which you can see in the shot below. I didn't have a razor saw blade for cutting the tubing, so I used my pipe cutter instead. It worked surprisingly well. My next challenge is to fabricate, using styrene tubing, the upper radiator hose, which has an "S" shape. After doing some research, it appears the best way to do this is to immerse the tubing in very hot water, which softens the styrene, and bend it into shape without getting scalded.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 11 months ago:

    Restoration is proceeding nicely, @gwfabian! I kind of missed your two previous updates: funny, as I usually check the GB very frequently and I should have seen them...
    The exhausts look nice and the styrene tubing seems to do the trick. Looking forward to see how you will give it an "S" shape.

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    Erik Gjørup said 2 years, 11 months ago:

    It quite clear that it was a great decision to restore this one. Keep pushin'!