1/350 Trumpeter USS Hornet CV-8 Doolittle Raid

Started by David Kopielski · 98 · 2 years ago · 1/350, Aircraft Carrier, Ship, USS Hornet
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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 1 month ago:

    Indeed an impressive progress, my friend @davids_models!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 1 month ago:

    Amazing detailing, David @davids_models

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    David Kopielski said 3 years ago:

    Week 19 – Work was slowed a little this week as I had the laptop I use for making decals started to die and needed to be replaced. I spent a couple of evenings changing over to a new laptop. Turning back to working on the project I added some more details to the island. There are smaller search lights around the island which have been included with the photo etch set. One of the kit search lights on the aft side of the island mounts to the deck. However after review of the photos it is actually mounted on a raised platform. I scratch built the platform and mounted the search light. I also used the photo etch SK antenna rather than the plain looking kit version.

    Next I started on the masts. I started by removing the molded ladders and added photo etch details. The aft mast spars were detailed and set aside. The main mast needed a lot more work. Comparing the kit mast and the photo etch parts there were still a lot of details missing. To start with I added the hatch and ladder to go between the two platforms. Next was the top platform in the photos has a small extension on the forward side as well as mounts for rigging. I was able to locate some photo etch pieces in my spares bin to replicate these. Next were two large spot lights. The photo etch set had the face covers. I used a sprue tree the same diameter and then some spare photo etch parts to make the mounts for them. I then started painting the island and main mast.

    Speaking of paint, after some research I found out the paint scheme is three colors not two as the kit instructions show. The island is haze grey with ocean grey camouflage. Below the flight deck the hull is ocean grey and navy blue camo. I chose to use the Scale Colors paint for this scheme. I am using SC004 5-H Haze Grey, SC003 5-O Ocean Grey, and SC002 5-N Navy Blue. This is the first time I am using this brand of paint.

    I need to finish some details on the aft mast then finish assembling the island to start the tedious task of doing all the rigging.

    See more photos and details from the start in my build log at https://davidsscalemodels.com/build-log/1-350-uss-hornet-cv-8-doolittle-raid/

    6 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years ago:

    Amazing job so far, my friend @davids_models!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years ago:

    Beautiful done, David @davids_models
    Just an exact copy of the original.

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    David Kopielski said 3 years ago:

    Here we are at the 20th Week of the USS Hornet “Doolittle Raid” project! I am still working on island details. As I was researching all the rigging I found more details that I needed to add to the island. I found out that there are three whip antennas on the island. Two of them are on the funnel cap with rails and one on the aft end of the island. I scratch built these using photo etch and styrene rod for the base. I began attaching the first layer of rigging for the forward mast. I am using EZ-Line black fine for the rigging. With the lines attached on the one end I let the CA glue cure for a while before starting to attach the other end.
    While the rigging was curing I started looking at the quad 1.1” anti-aircraft guns that sit on the flight deck. I assembled the kit version just to see how they look. They are very plain looking and seem too small for the scale. I then built up the photo etch version. They looked better but being photo etch they seemed too thin. I then decided to use a mix of the kit parts, Photo etch parts, and Aber 1/350 1.1” brass barrels for them. Using the “body” of the guns from the kit I installed the brass barrels and then installed the photo etch mount, seats, gun sights, and ammunition feed boxes.
    I moved back to the rigging and started with the aft mast. One of the things I needed to add was the mount for the flag. I used some more photo etch scraps to make the mount. I am continuing with the rigging. It looks like there are going to be three sections, the forward main mast, the aft mast, and then the rigging that goes between the masts. All told there are roughly 20 individual lines that need to be added and routed. Once the rigging is finished I will do some touch up with the base color then add the camouflage color and finally the crew that will be placed on the island.

    See more photos and details from the start in my build log at https://davidsscalemodels.com/build-log/1-350-uss-hornet-cv-8-doolittle-raid/

    8 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years ago:

    Yet more progress to your truly amazing job, my friend @davids_models!
    (Repeating) the amount of detail is phenomenal.
    Looking forward to it!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years ago:

    Unbelievable details, David @davids_models
    Each week you keep on surprising us with your excellent progress on this build.

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    David Kopielski said 3 years ago:

    Here we are at week 21 of the USS Hornet “Doolittle Raid” project. This week I was able to complete the island. All 34 lines of the rigging have been mounted. Once the rigging was completed I then painted the camouflage on the island using the photo references in the Hornet book. The pattern that the kit shows and what were actually on the ship differs slightly. The lines have a slight shift when they reach the catwalk half way up the island on the actual ship. I then finished the 4 quad AA guns used on the flight deck. I was looking over the flight deck assembly and decided to detail the hull next. This is being done as the catwalks that go around the hull for the flight deck need to be installed and painted before placing the flight deck on. Since all the catwalks are photo etch I filled all the mounting holes for the kit catwalks with putty. I then started at the stern I added the edge railing and worked on the second deck. This has three hose reels on it. The kit has cutouts for the kit reels. I filled these in with putty and then assembled the photo etch versions of the reels. I used black 6lbs test braided fishing line for the hoses. I used three layers of line on each reel. Need to research the rails and stairs on the stern then onto the catwalks.

    See all the photos and details from the start in my build log at https://davidsscalemodels.com/build-log/1-350-uss-hornet-cv-8-doolittle-raid/

    12 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years ago:

    Speechless again, David @davids_models
    Those hoses are a big improvement.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years ago:

    Amazing progress, my friend @davids_models!
    Beautiful details, as always!

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    David Kopielski said 3 years ago:

    Week 22 – Starting at the stern I added more details. I added some crew members, the fantail launch, and the mooring rope winch on the starboard side. I used some 50lbs test braided fishing line for the mooring rope and coiled it around the winch spool. The kit does not provide an actual spot to hold the launch so I scratch built the cradle that holds the launch. I then started making the eight 5” dual-purpose guns. The kit gun mounts had a couple of issues. First the kit parts lacked detail and the gun barrels were more like 10” barrels. I cut off the barrels and replaced them with Aber brass barrels. I then added the photo etch details to provide a more accurate look.

    Moving on I am now working on the catwalks. Since I am doing an “At Sea” display I used the full hull lower section as a placement guide. With the photo etch catwalk set from White Ensign there are sections that are replaced. The kit shields that go around the .50 caliber guns are too short and thick. These are cut off and replaced with photo etch versions. I started on the aft starboard side. I am working may way along the starboard side first. For the midship catwalk I added some empty reels that sit just under the catwalk. There are also small platforms that require railings added as well. Once the catwalks are done I will detail the bow and then begin detailing the underside of the flight deck.

    See all the photos and details from the start in my build log at https://davidsscalemodels.com/build-log/1-350-uss-hornet-cv-8-doolittle-raid/

    11 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years ago:

    Amazing again, David @davids_models
    The added crew members do add a lot to this huge ship.
    Replacing the gun barrels looks much better, a lot of PE is used already.

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    David Kopielski said 3 years ago:

    Week 23 of the Trumpeter 1/350 USS Hornet “Doolittle Raid” project

    Week 23 has arrived – Continuing with the hull catwalks and railings. The catwalks are a mix of kit and photo etch. The kit sections are where the guns mount. As I mentioned before I removed the kit shields and added the photo etch versions. While on the subject of the guns, I looked over the .50 cal guns. The photo etch version has the thin base. So like all the other guns I went with a mix of kit and photo etch. I used the base of the kit and added just the gun to the base. The photo etch guns also have a few pieces. The shield and the shoulder mounts are separate parts. Once the sights are positioned I added the shield and mounts, the base was then notched to mount the gun.

    I then moved on to the catwalks. Another difference from the kit to the photo etch is the catwalks have different levels when they go under the edge of the flight deck. Once I finished the catwalks on the starboard side I added the railings to the smaller levels and the safety rails for the open hangar doors. One thing to note, on the port side I did the railings first. With as delicate as the photo etch catwalks are, I have had to go back and repair some areas. I kept accisently bumping them or touching them incorrectly while working on the lower rails. When I went toe the port side I did the railing first and this works out much better. I need to add the railing to the catwalks then onto building all the .50 cals (20 just at the catwalk level) and then get the base coat of Ocean Gray on the hull. I am estimating the ship to be completed in about 6 more weeks then I need to start working on the “at sea” base and order the display case once I figure out the size I will need.

    See all the photos and details from the start in my build log at https://davidsscalemodels.com/build-log/1-350-uss-hornet-cv-8-doolittle-raid/

    9 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years ago:

    Again amazing progress, my friend @davids_models!