Thanks a lot for the inviation to this groupbuild, David @davids_models
This invitation made me think real hard about what I had to choose.
I'm absolutely not into boats/ships and if I remember all well, then planes is the only subject I have been modelling so far.
I just decided to head over to a local store, which does have quite some kits, and forced myself to choose from the ones they had in stock. After being in doubt about what to choose for an hour, I came up with this Uboat Type II B from Revell in 1/144 scale. It seems not to difficult, just 55 pieces.
One advantage over airplanes is that there is no interior to be done on this build. The manual is pretty detailed so that should not be a problem to get it together.
The scheme looks nice to me and doable, but I need to do some research on how to weather a submarine.
Keep you all updated.