So, the blaster and holster are pretty great little add-ons, but the holster needed a strap or it looked a bit odd. I couldn't quite figure out a way to have a removable strap... until - magnets. Yeah, I know, I have issues. LOL
I had already modeled a pair of the electrobinoculars for the Sandtrooper build, so why not add them?... That did mean I'd have to model my own open case, so I also decided to replace the kit's electrobinocular case with my own. So, three iterations of printed cases and I have one that works quite well. The first one was just way too big, the second was sized better but it was too bendy and the binocs didn't sit well inside due to the front lens. The third version has a nice little 'foam' pad in the bottom for the lens to sit into. I do understand that all of this is obsessive and no one will likely ever know these details exist, but it'll make me smile every time I look at it.
7 attached images. Click to enlarge.
1. Original kit part. Totally usable. Great details.