Monogram 1/48 Devastator TBD-1 USN VT-8 Ens George Gay, USS Hornet CV-8

Started by Chuck A. Villanueva · 81 · 7 years ago
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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 7 years ago:

    Today I applied the Interior Green over canopy framing. Next to airbrush the undersurfaces USN Lt Grey An602. Prior to laying down the finish was a bit of preshading. With that done, I decided to go ahead and paint the tires using MM Oily Black which close to more of a rubber color than a true black. The masks again did their job. With the paint still in the cup, I proceeded to paint the tires on the Vindicator and a Mustang I am also ready to start work on once this GB is completed. With the Oily Black still in the brush I went on to preshaded the upper surfaces of the Devastator. Once done with that, I then used a standard black to complete the rest of the preshading. Hoping to achieve a very blotchy appearance to the final finish. Next time to apply the Navy Blue Grey. More to follow.

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    Tom Bebout said 7 years ago:

    Looking good Chuck

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 7 years ago:

    Thanks Tom, now it is time to lay some paint. Using Polly Scale Acrylic for the USN Blue Grey, straight from the bottle for the first coat. Once painting the upper surfaces, with the remaining paint I add Light Aircraft Grey which looks more off white than Grey to lighten the Blue Grey. And airbrush certain areas of the airframe upper surfaces to show fading. Giving it a little blotchy appearance. Once that is done than time to apply the gloss coat. Let it set overnight but heck did the wings anyway for starters. More to follow.

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    David Mills said 7 years ago:

    Nice work Chuck that faded blue grey is looking right

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years ago:

    It looks real good Chuck ! The decals snuggled down very well too. I had a problem with mine on the wings. Yours turned out very nice... It shouldn't be too much longer now. You're in the home stretch.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 7 years ago:

    Thanks Louis, I treated the decals with Micro Sol and let it sit over night. The next morning I checked for any air bubbles that may still be present. Took a knife and slit any areas that didn't conform with the wing ribbing, applied Solvaset and got the desired results. This posting will be the last for this project. Just a taste of what is to come when completed. Applied the rest of the decals, weathered it a bit and then flat coated it with Lifecolor flat clear. Once the flat dried I removed the masks from the canopy. Did not experience any glue residue left over on the glass. Seem to be having that problem with the Vindicator set. I failed to mention how nice and clear the Monogram canopy is. No distortion in viewing all three cockpit positions. Next to install the resin wheels. Using my pinvise to drill out the rims so it will fit onto the stub axles of the landing gear. Next was to place the rear facing gun, using the double gun from the AM Dauntless kit, cut the mount from the Monogram kit and applied it to the AM gun, paint gun metal and install it. Finally the final bits, antennas, the prop, the access door and crank. And with that she is completed.

    13 attached images. Click to enlarge.