Airfix Austin K2 "Katy" Ambulance 1/72

Started by neil foster · 40 · 6 years ago
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    neil foster said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Cheers !

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    David A. Thomas said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Thanks for this colorful and important contribution, Neil. Builds like this flesh out the overall story and remind us that it is about people and the drama of it all, and not merely machines with their constant technicalities that can consume us. I'm looking forward to this detail, and anyone who works in 1/72 has my admiration!

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    neil foster said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Hey Dave, my little ambulance is taking shape nicely, I know I said I would give a more detailed WIP of this one but to be honest it's not so easy when your kit only has about 20 parts and is the size of 2 Humbrol paint tins ,I will post some pictures before starting to apply colour though and then will begin the dio which I envisage as a simple driving through the dessert scene.
    P.S.I have a PM for you on a none related subject !

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    neil foster said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Well my little (very little) ambulance is now ready for some colour, you will see that I have positioned the rear doors closed even though I spent a fair bit of time on the interior including a sick or injured serviceman, I did this so that if at any stage I choose to put it in a dio that shows the doors open I wont have to worry about the interior ,probably a waste of time but c'est la vie'.

    You can see that I added a windscreen and that I had to add a fillet of evergreen strip along the edge of the roof on the drivers side as no matter how I tried to squeeze it all together while the glue was drying the side just kept popping back to create a little step ,it was only 0.5mm but at this scale just looked bad so any easy fix was done.

    As I have already mentioned I am trying to add as much interest as I can to this little kit so I am going to imagine that a European theatre K2 was assigned to North Africa and either resprayed en route or on arrival and so I have modelled it with the interior of the cab and the lower parts of the chassis and behind the wheels still showing dark green, this may or may not be accurate and in fact probably isn't but who's going to argue ?.

    Sadly my attempt at surgery was a failure , I realised why Airfix moulded the driver figure without legs, it's because with them he would not fit in the cab ! so maybe they did know what they were doing after all.

    Next time I post something she will probably be painted up and I will be working on the dio,that's it for today guys.


    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Now I remember you saying this was a little model... But it's much smaller than little. I would venture to say it's tiny ! I don't know how you guys can build such small things. My poor eyes and stubby fat fingers won't let me anymore.

    Well done ! Looks good.

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    neil foster said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Thanks for looking Louis, believe me 1/72 is NOT my chosen scale but when I started this as far as I knew this was the only game in town if you wanted to build a K2, I have since found there is a 1/48 short run kit but it is beyond what I was willing to spend on this project ,glad you like it anyway..

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    Tom Bebout said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Louis is correct boy that K2 is tiny. Looks like you've got the important stuff completed and now on to the finished paint job. Nice addition to the GB Neil, look forward to seeing her done.

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    David A. Thomas said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Additions to the GB come in all genres, nationalities, and sizes, and this one is a colorful gem. Thanks for the progress, Neil, looking good!

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    neil foster said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Thanks Tom / Dave.

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    said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Hey Neil. I had this as a kid but it didnt seem so small then of course. Had the refueling set and the aircraft recovery set too. Loads of memories. They built up into solid wee models. I had them for over thirty years but got rid of them in a house move.

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    neil foster said 6 years, 3 months ago:

    Hi Anthony, to be honest I've always wanted to recreate a moment from one of my favourite movies ," Ice cold in Alex" , so when the G.B. came up I decided to build something "proper" first ie my Valentine tank and then build what I'm really after- a dio featuring "Katy" the K2 ambulance, what I honestly didn't realise was how dinky she is and how ancient the moulding quality is, I don't really do 1/72 as a rule far too small for my failing eyesight.Anyhow I got her painted up in Tamiya dessert yellow on Sunday and did a bit of weathering prior to decaling.

    Cheers for now, Neil.

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    neil foster said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Just added the finishing touch to my Austin K2 "Katy" dio ,a rather angry looking Bedouin and his Camel, I found them on Ebay as part of the very old Airfix Arabs set, although I don't remember any Arabs in the movie "Ice cold in Alex" I think they add a bit of colour and another level of interest to the dio.
    Anyhow that's it finished, hope you like it.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Both the vehicle and the diorama turned out beautifully!

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    neil foster said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Cheers Bernard, I have to admit to a strange fondness for Camels, not in a Yee harr hillbilly kind of way you understand, but I would like one as a pet if it wasn't for the old money/space /time combo getting in the way, I have encountered a few Camels on my travels and they are remarkably gentle and placid creatures,anyhow thanks for looking.

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    David A. Thomas said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Cracking paint job and presentation there, Neil! Really fine work! I love this kind of contribution to the KP GB--perhaps not an "epic" piece of war materiel, but in truth as pointed a part of the human story as anything yet seen. Thank you so much for your care and thoughtfulness in including what otherwise would have been overlooked!

    By the way, having lived and worked in Kentucky--from Appalachia to the coal fields of the western reaches of the state, and from the bluegrass horse country to the Tennessee border, I never did meet a Hillbilly who has a thing for camels. So, um, I'm missing what you're driving at there 🙂