Boeing 247 1/72 Williams Brothers

March 31, 2013 · in Aviation · · 5 · 3.8K

Built basically OOB from the Williams Bothers kit in 1/72. I wanted a different aircraft than the supplied decals so registration markings were pieced together by cutting up the kit decals and the outline of the United States hand painted in the center of the company logo to get the early United Air Lines version.
The finish was the challenge on this model. The Boeings were built from anodized panels, each having a very slightly different silvery grey appearance. A base coat was repeatedly masked and over sprayed with a drop of grey or sliver added to the paint cup. A very subtle effect was achieved.

I hope you don't mind yet another blast from the past, this model being from circa 1985. I have a big project going that is taking up most of my modeling time.

Eric aka The Yankymodeler

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5 responses

  1. Very well done. I've done a few WB's kit's & know they can be a challenge. Got this one in the stash but have only fingered it. Maybe now I'll get some ambition to build it.

  2. Nice-lookin' model, Eric...we don't see these very often. Good work.

  3. Having built this ill-fitting WB monster myself (not nearly so well) I know well how difficult it is to get a result like this, for which you need a Big Compliment.

  4. Always interested in their C-46, but suspect the fit issues are endemic. Great looking model.

  5. HAd this one as a kid and was never able to get past the challenge you did yours fantastic! I have an original pressing of their B-10 my wife found at an antique shop, I will have to tackle it some day!

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