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Clark Cook
21 articles

An Old School Build

August 10, 2014 · in Aviation · 9 · 1.5K

Good morning. I thought you might enjoy a trip down memory lane-well at least for some of you. This is a Guillow's semi-scale stick and tissue model of a Super Cub I built for my gal's dad who is now 87. It took a bit to regain those lost skills but in the end I think it turned out very well. Yes, it has rubber band power and I am looking forward to his first flight with it sometime later today. I believe it will carry a small load of anti-squirrel rockets for the test flight.

I attached to tissue with a 50 50 mix of water and white glue. I used thick super glue for the construction. And yes after shrinking the tissue with a spritz of water I applied to coats of thinned good old Aero clear dope-Ahhh those fumes. Paint is from a small spray can of Krylon craft yellow. Hope you like it, and now back to work on a Hasegawa Hellcat. Clark

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9 responses

  1. Never could get the hang of "stick & tissue" I did build some wood & acetate kits when I got started but I'll stick to plastic.
    Yours turned out well & was probably a welcome change of pace.

  2. Last time I tried something like that was around 1958 or so. I most likely couldn't do any better today (and probably much worse, I would suspect).

  3. Now that's a real change of pace for you and I'll bet you had a blast building it. She turned out quite nice and I'm sure the recipient will appreciate your efforts. Thanks for the trip down modeling's memory lane.

    • Thank you Jim. I appreciate your comments. I've got a couple of scale Cubs on the shelf and will tackle one of them in the future. I hope to shoot a phone video of the first test flight of this one. Clark

  4. Nice looking Cub Eugene. I seem to call my efforts with Guillow's kits ended up glued to the layout sheets, or my moms kitchen table. That didn't turn out

  5. Wax paper works wonders with glue Rick. No stick at all, even the super glue. Thanks for your comments. Which reminds me, my dad gave me a small folding tray table to build on when I was a wee tyke. I would sure love to have that table back in my shop now. Clark

  6. Eugene,
    Great job. I have a number of old Cleveland kits I look at once in a while to build. However I'm not sure of my skills of long ago would still apply today. I have done a few repairs in stick and tissue and have found it to be fun and brought back a lot of memories.

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