Year of the Cat Group build updates:
It has been a while since this Group Build was started, back in mid June if memory serves me. It will end in sometime in mid February of 2018 (or thereabouts)...
This GB has been very well received. We have had numerous models started, and quite a few have been finished out of this group. I sincerely thank those who have participated so far (and we still have room for more) .
However, there has been one thing that was occasionally missing from it, namely my attention... and I'm sorry for this. I feel as if I have let some of you down, but there is a reason behind it.
There have been some things happening behind the scenes that are pretty much beyond my control.
My mom has dementia. That's all I'm saying. This isn't the time or place to talk or vent about this. Life does get in the way of our hobby occasionally.
So please, stop on over to the "Year of the Cat" GB section... You won't be disappointed.
There's a lot of great work going on over there... I can promise you that !
So if I haven't posted on your build log as often as I'm accustomed to, please forgive me. I'm getting back on track with things... Hang in there, and I may occasionally ask for some help with this.
Plus as a bonus, we have another fantastic Group build going on right now in addition to the "Year of the Cat".
It's called "The Kasserine Pass" and is shaping up nicely too. Thanks for starting it for us David...
Absolutely no need for any apologies here, comes first - all has, always will. I, too, have had "issues" with which to contend, but as you stated, this forum is not the place to "air one's dirty laundry", as it were. I had intended to join in this group build, but life (and death) got in the way. I wish everyone well who has managed to participate and will be watching for the end result(s).
Thanks Craig, and I sincerely mean this.
I agree it always has been and always should be family first.
One thing I have learned from this is that sometimes one just has to let go of things that you can not control. There is a higher authority that handles it all. Keep your faith too.
Once you realize this, everything is so much easier. My condolences buddy... I understand.
There has been some great builds going on here. This is a fantastic website.
Thanks Martin and crew !
Louis, I just put the wings on an hour ago. Looking forward to the release.
I've never done a group build before, I'm guessing I post my model on the group build page somehow or do I post it here as an article ?
G'day Terry, just go to the group page, click on new topic and post your build, I've just updated some of my builds.
Yes Terry, Allan is correct. If you have any questions or problems, please don't hesitate to send me a PM. We would love to see you start a build log on your project. Thanks for the interest !
Louis, your a gentleman. I know what your going through. 'nuff said.
Thanks Bob ... I appreciate that.
Not only family Louis, you also had a hurricane roll thru your part of the state and understandably had some damage to deal with to your home and neighborhood to tend to. So no worries my friend can't control acts of God, He sometimes will intervene in biblical ways. Just stay safe, our prayers are with you and always thinking well of you my friend.
Your a good man Chuck. A great friend too. Thanks buddy.
No need to apologise, Louis, and thanks again for starting this group build, it has managed to attract a wide variety of entries from nearly every category, and it seems there's plenty more to come. Incidentally, despite what Al Stewart said, there is no Year of the Cat in the Chinese calendar, Year of the Tiger is the nearest they get to it.
Year of the Tiger ? Hmmmmmmmm ...
Gears are turning...smoke coming out of my ears now.
I'm so happy that we have had the turn out so far that we have. It has been more productive than I ever imagined, and like you stated, we have a wide range of subjects.
There's a good group of people here on Imodeler for sure. Thanks again for participating in our GB my friend. There's still time for a few more projects if you want to ...
Best of luck my friend! Personal issues have often disrupted my building. However, we all know family comes first and all of us at Imodeler scattered all over the world can offer moral support.
Thanks Morne for the "moral" support, and understanding that family comes first. You get back on the horse if it throws you... same goes for our hobby. It has been like a therapy of sorts to build lately. Take care my friend.
Hello Louis, I can fully understand what you are saying. No need to apologise as family comes first. I wish you a lot of strenght.
Thank you very much Ferry. I appreciate your efforts in the GB as well. Your work is simply amazing my friend.
Louis, you’re a prince. I look the Year of the Cat, and I want to join in and may end up doing so if I can get my ducks in a row.
I was sharing with Thomas Bebout a strange event that happened this past summer. I was in Guayaquil, Ecuador on a teaching assignment and I walked into a mall toy store. I found myself (moth to flame, as it were) in the model aisle, and lo and behold, a 1:48 Revell (Germany) PBY-5 Catalina! One of my dreams. As fate would have it, it was cheaper in that mall toy store in Ecuador than anywhere I had seen online! Sold, to the man with the Gringo accent and the hands shaking from excitement!
So I have this Cat. Hhmmm. How to fit that in...
The Revell "CAT" alina is a big bird once finished. You would be very welcome to join us and start a build log.
We still have some time left and the end date isn't 100% set in stone, as we are not enforcing the end date. So if the "Gringo" with the shaky hands wants to join us, the I say go for it.
You 1/48 Cat would fit the bill. Allan Withers has built a few of the smaller 1/72 Airfix cousins and they really look great.
So if you can get your ducks in a row... you're more than welcome my friend.
Louis you have my best wishes as well, my cats are not Airfix but Academy ! and big enough in 1/72, I look forward to Davids 1/48 version.
You're absolutely correct Allan. Academy Cats indeed. I never realized just how big the Cat is once assembled in 1/48 scale. It's almost the same size as a B-17 !
JFK once said, "the time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining". I think this hobby is important to all of us for different reasons and our life priorities often change. But we all know you are there, Louis. And thankful for it.
You give a lot of people here support and encouragement; my thoughts are with you, and I hope your sun comes out soon.
Thank you for the kind words my friend. The sun is shining again for me... having great friends such as you really does help. Thanks again buddy.
Louis, we may indeed have missed for a while your incredible kindness and prolific excellent contributions on iModeler. No-one on here would hear a word of your apology - absolutely unnecessary - although as far as I can tell most typical of you!
Thank you Paul. I always try to treat others as I would want to be treated myself. I believe that you reap what you sow...
Take care buddy, and many thanks.
Hi Louis, Sorry to hear about you Mum, a difficult time for everyone I'm sure. So, best wishes to you and yours, and look forward to seeing you as and when time and circumstances allow - no apologies necessary.
Take care Mate.
Thanks David. I appreciate that.