HK Models Lanc.
Now available to pre-order, it’s been announced. Contact your local hobby centre for details. Price estimated at around $330 USD...
Now available to pre-order, it’s been announced. Contact your local hobby centre for details. Price estimated at around $330 USD...
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Three hundred and thirty US dollars. Wow. For me, that crossed a line about two hundred dollars ago.
Plus shipping.
And then there are people on the web saying they'll be buying HK and WnW Lancs... Their houses are the size of their wallets alright... I wish that for Xmas
You know the old saying about food, and people whose eyes are bigger than their bellies...
An unbuilt box stacked away in the corner doesn’t in fact take up much room.
True, but then again, an excess of €600 just stacked in the pile can almost compete with the current days bank interests should one keep that amount in his account
I’ve been debating for months over buying the 1/200 USS Hornet (Doolittle Raid). For me, that’s a year plus of great fun building, and 500 posts on iModeler connecting with friends, and at around $250 is a snip. Still can’t push the button, though. There’s a psychological barrier, if you will. Something around $150 that just sticks in my craw. I have the money. I have the space. But am I the sort of person that can buy a plastic model for $300 plus? I guess it’s a personal ‘Rubicon’ moment for each of us.
In some ways, that internal debate about the Hornet is as much fun as a guy can have; looking at the photos, reading the reviews, comparing prices. Hell, who needs the kit?
In the word of Arnold... "DO IT! DO IT NOW!" Just like the 1/48 B-36 I bought it will sting a little (in my case a lot) but once you are working on it that melts away when you realize you are working on something special. I'm going to hold out for WnW's version because I am in love with the stressed skin. I will enjoy building it, enjoy my cousin's reaction when she gets it and I will enjoy not having to display it in my house! You only live once David and if you have the money it's better to get it now than having pay even more on the collector market when you finally realize you want to build it. (Case in point, my 1/48 DC-130 with drones. Rare kit, paid over $200 for mine and it got to my house with the original HobbyTown price tag of $69 on it. How I wish I would have bought it when I had my hands on it in the store!)
David @dirtylittlefokker, You've got a point with that 'Rubicon' moment. I can easily justify spending $6500 on a new camera body and yet I cringe at dropping more than $60 on a model. I even dropped $18,000 on a lens once that I ended up using not more than once a month. All in all, I basically rented it for four years after I sold it later ( with a pretty good return rate). One day...I will no doubt drop the $244 for a HK SB2C in 1/32 scale. Of course the stupidity or 'Personal Lie' here is that I'm probably going to exceed that number with a build I'm planning for the future. Shhh! Don't tell the misses.
I know a lot of modeling is done for therapy and personal improvement for the individual making. But, if the money and the pricing points are enough to make you cry and you belong to a club... why not buy a kit and do a group build. Several years ago on another form they parceled up a kit and had each participating member do a specific section of the plane. Being on the net it became a blog with everyone posting and then the final pieces were put together and I believe the model was donated to a charitable cause. Sounds easy but, when your herding cats (modelers in general) in a snow storm it can be hard to do. But, do able.
The BBC posted something showing veterans in model-making groups. They all stated how peaceful and therapeutic the process was, and how they forgot- for a time at least - their mental and physical problems.
Not sure about a joint build of a single model, though. Too many people with too many views about the ‘required standard’, etc.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.