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Richard Bungay
68 articles

1/144 HMCS Snowberry, the Battle of the Atlantic

January 2, 2021 · in Ships · 15 · 2.7K

Buzzer beater for 2020 - finished on New Years Eve.

Great kit (Revell 051322) with very nice details out of the box. I added Shapeways figures.


All my models:

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Adobe Lightroom
Helicon Focus (focus stacking)

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Great looking corvette Richard! The camo and weathering are sublime, and the shipmates on the deck add the perfect picture of commotion and life... well done!

  2. I was thinking about adding those Shapeways figures to whenever I got around to building my copy. It looks like I will order some as they make the Snowberry feel real and capture how small the real life ship actually is in comparison to even a Destroyer.

    Nice last 2020 build!

  3. Excellent job allover, Richard!
    And yes, the figures breathe even more life to this amazing model.
    Well done!
    Happy 2021!

  4. I'm not into ships but I do like these Flower Class Corvettes and this one looks great, the figures definitely go a long way to adding to the realism. Definitely liked.

  5. Lovely model. I need to add a ship to my repertoire...and a car...and a tank...and sci-fi...

  6. Nice work, Richard! The figures really add a lot.

  7. Nice work! Really love the figures. That’s a small ship for a big ocean!

  8. Very very nice Richard. The battle of the Atlantic is my main collection subject.
    I have the 1/72 version to build in my stash. Large Box !

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