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Juan Ravizzoli
37 articles

M3A1 halftrack from IDF

March 1, 2021 · in Armor · 8 · 3.1K

Greetings to the forum members.
On this occasion I wanted to show you my latest project: the Dragon M3A1 half-track, in 1/35 scale, in IDF version during the 1960s. It is the 2009 kit (n° 6332), and not the n° 3569, from 2016.
The modifications are scratchbuilt, and the decals come from leftovers from other kits.
The paint is acrylic from Sicko Models. The washes and wethering is done with products from AK and Casttle Art.
I hope you liked it, see you next time!

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Beautiful work. I don't do armor but I appreciate it when it is done to a high standard.

  2. This looks great. It's a unique vehicle and you've really made it stand out. So much so, that I may pick one off the shelf myself.

  3. Nice scratchbuilt additions, it adds a lot.

  4. Excellent M3A1, Juan!

  5. Very realistic model! A few weeks ago I saw “Valley of Tears” and your model looks better than the original halftrack used on the series 😉

  6. That is really awesome work!

  7. : ) ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Nice work on this model Juan.
    Great work on the weathering and the detail work.
    Any chance we will see this model taking place on a diorama ?

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