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Michael Turner
55 articles

Australian Model Expo 2022: Part 1

June 21, 2022 · in Show Reports · · 18 · 1.7K

After a 2 year, Covid 19 induced absence, the was held in from Friday 17th to Sunday 19th of June, 2022.
A record 902 models were entered in the various competition categories.

This year was also the first time I assisted with the judging. That was a great and informative experience.

The first set of photos are of the Large Scale Aircraft - Prop - Pre 1935 (1/35 and larger).
I'll let you guess which one is mine.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. The next set of Photos are for the Large Scale Aircraft - Prop - Post 1935 (1/35 and larger).

    15 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  2. The next set are for Large Scale Aircraft - Jet or Rocket Propelled (1/35 and larger).

    11 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  3. Amazing pics, Michael!
    Congratulations on the second place! Both your Fokker and Lothar look wonderful!

  4. Thanks, Michael, for great photos of a batch of very well-done models. The Aussie modelers aren't taking a backseat to anyone. All good.

  5. There's a lot of high-quality work there. Judging would have been difficult. Thanks for this.

    and Lothar and his Dr.I look good.

  6. Noice! Thanks for the look. The big ICM's are getting around.

  7. Over 900 models is impressive, Michael @michaelt
    And all of them are looking great.
    Must have been fantastic to visit this exhibition.

    • G'day John (@johnb),
      It was a great event.
      There were a number of vendors, although not as many from interstate as the usually are, and a large swap-meet on the Sunday morning.
      It is have a bit of "normal" returning.

  8. Thanks, Michael for sharing your pictures. I was there and it was indeed a fantastic event. Congratulations to the organisers, and to you for the quality of the images. And for the prize, too!

  9. Great work all around! Love that Beaufort.

  10. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Congrats. It was a great event! This was my first time at an expo and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Definitely gave me some inspiration for my own builds and had me pricing 1/32 Mirage kits lol

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