Review: Mud & Spatter Thick Weathering Wash

March 9, 2023 · in Reviews · 1 · 437
Posted on Youtube by florymodels ·
Reader reactions:
1  Awesome

1 response

  1. That was interesting. I've used Phil Flory's washes for years, but the ones I have aren't as thick as the current washes seem, out of the bottle, in the video. But, I hadn't considered the washes for this use and this provides yet another "tool" in the box. 👍

    I remember a quote by the great armor modeler, Tony Greenland, in an article on his work in FinescaleModeler magazine, back in the late '80, early '90s. He mentioned in the article that his models never win awards at contests because the judges deemed them too clean. His comment to that was "I build models of armoured vehicles, not the terrain in which they operated. " 😊

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