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Michael Smith
68 articles

1/72 PzKpfw III Ausf. L.

July 30, 2023 · in Armor · · 3 · 237

This is my first tank build since high school - appropriate since attending TankFest last summer. It's a early 1943 Eastern Front version of a - kit. The paint went on a little dark, and I tried to lighten down with washes and dry brushing.

The scale is microscopic, but that's fine by me - it's in scale with my aircraft and takes up very little display space so I can explore a number of different subjects. I have a IV in my stash and will eventually add a 131 Tiger since I have lots of detail photos of that vehicle from our visit.

We got to see a slightly different Pzkw III variant at TankFest - including watching it in action in Kuwait Arena.

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome 1 

3 responses

  1. Beautiful result, Michael! There's nothing wrong with 1/72 armor, in fact there are many things right!
    The fest must have been awesome!

  2. Looks really great, Michael @mcsmith1964
    Seems like you had a wonderful day at the tankfest.

  3. Your tank and the Tankfest look great.

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