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David Kopielski
76 articles

Hasegawa SR-71 Egg Plane

September 23, 2023 · in Aviation · · 6 · 491

This next build is another commission for a returning client. The kit is the Hasegawa SR-71 Egg Plane. Hasegawa has a large series of these egg planes. They feature an egg-shaped distorted interpretation of a real world aircraft. They are quite easy to build. It took me only a few days to build this interesting kit.
You can see all the photos and details from start to finish in my build log at:

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5  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Having fun modeling, by the looks of it! Great that you can get a bit of a silly build in on commission, if nothing else but to ease the workload. 🙂

  2. Cool, getting paid to have fun, Can't beat that!

  3. Really funny and excellent result, David @davids_models
    Recently build an eggplane myself and you are right that those kits are very nice to work on.

  4. Cute little build. I like it.

  5. Love these kits! nice job.

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