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Derek McGuckin
2 articles

T34 Advanced Squad Leader Mash Up

November 29, 2023 · in Armor · · 7 · 253

My local IMPS chapter is having a T34 group build. A bunch of the 1/35 Tamiya T34 kits were donated to the club from a deceased members stash. I need another kit like another hole in the head so I decided to check my stash and found a 1/72 T34 43 kit. I decided to combine my modeling hobby with my gaming hobby and use a blown up copy of the Advanced Squad Leader game piece for the T34 43. A picture of the piece:

The various numbers and letters are gaming values. 76L is the gun size and length. 16 is the number of movement points. etc
The partially built kit on the base to get the proportions right.

The background color needs adjustment. The plan is to mount it on a wood plaque and add a tiny bit of scenery: a few weeds and a bit of ground cover strategically placed to add interest but not cover the gaming piece info. Fun project so far!

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

7 responses

  1. Great idea, Derek @mcderek
    Looking forward to see the M34 within the scenery.

  2. As an SL/ASL player from wayyy back let me say I like it. What were the infantry 6-6-4? Firepower range morale? I recall one scenario where a slew of T-34's approached 3 Tigers on a ridge and got wiped out. Of course I was the Russian. I think you should leave it as is, no weeds etc. Just my opinion of course.

  3. Thanks for the kind words. I'm having fun for sure. Unfortunately, I did lose the bow mounted machine gun to the carpet monster. grrrrrr... O well, now to scratch a replacement.

    Bill @billkoppos wrote "As an SL/ASL player from wayyy back let me say I like it. What were the infantry 6-6-4? Firepower range morale?"
    Russian first line units are 4-4-7's. Your order is correct. T-34's vs Tigers in ASL is a challenge. You have to swarm the Tigers and use side and rear facing shots to have much of a chance. Probably quite realistic in real world terms as well.
    I'm going with a tad bit of scenery for now. Let's see if I can match what's in my mind's eye!

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