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Robert L Hart
8 articles

1/48 Nieuport 10

January 12, 2024 · in Aviation · · 12 · 248

Special Hobby kit. A reasonable kit, but I ended up having to fix some weird alignment issues. I struggled to get the proper stagger while maintaining the correct gap between the upper and lower wings. In the end, I think that the gap is too big, but the stagger is correct. Oh well, I consider every model to be a learning experience. I replaced most of the cockpit details with aftermarket and used a Vector engine

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14  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Well done, Robert! You overcame any kit struggles really nice. Love the paint/weathering.

  2. Very nice, Robert. What paint did you use for the linen?

  3. Beautiful little Nieuport. The difficulty you mentioned don't show through at all. Great job.

  4. Your Nieuport looks excellent, Robert!
    Well done!

  5. To me you have a fine looking Nieuport, Robert @Magoo
    Beautiful paintwork on the linen.

  6. That looks like a really small plane even in 1/48 scale, very neat work.

  7. I think he did really well. With Special Hobby kits, there are often problems with the correct attachment of the wing. You handled it great.

  8. Beautiful little Nieuport! Don't see many model 10s built.

  9. Nice looking Nieuport, problems overcome, job well done.

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