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John J Licht
19 articles

Kubelwagen Type 82 Radio vehicle

March 17, 2024 · in Armor · · 4 · 405

Tamiya kit with Tiger Werk resin radio and cabinet accessory kit. Folded down roof and canvas covered wind screen are Verlinden. Radio cabling is painted thread. Antennas are stretched sprue. External “jerry can” rack is scratch built. Standing figure came with kit, seated figure from Tamiya 222 kit. Vehicle painted Tamiya German Grey and then light brown (DAK 1942). Figures were painted with Vallejo colors. I distressed the light brown using a brush and lacquer thinner. Also used were brown and blue filters, AK dust effects and Tamiya weathering master pigments. Really small and detailed project, looking forward to my next build, a nice simple slab sided Jagdpanther (last photo). Thanks for looking.

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5  Awesome 1 

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4 responses

  1. Excellent Kubelwagen, John!
    Fantastic job allover and very nice extras.
    Looking forward to your Jagdpanther!

  2. Your extra detailing and excellent finish have really raised the standard on this kit.

  3. Very nice Kubelwagen, John @atjoe
    The weathering makes it look very realistic.

  4. The sand/dust works really well

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