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Aramis Sebastian
29 articles

Marshal Ney

March 28, 2024 · in Figures · · 6 · 150

Ney has to be one of my all time favorite historical figures.

2 stories about him:

Upon their restoration to the throne for good, the Bourbons had him tried for treason (and executed by firing squad, as per the attached painting by Gerome). At his trial, he denied the charges against him, declaring "I have fought 100 battles for France, and not one against her."

I absolutely love that quote. So chivalrous!

Then, at Waterloo, in a desperate last ditch attempt to rescue victory from the jaws of defeat, he rallied his men with the cry "Come see how a Marshal of France dies!" "But Death wanted no part of him that day," writes his chronicler.

Memorable stuff!

Reader reactions:
1  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Excellent figure, Aramis!

  2. Imposing figure.

  3. The detail around the collar is most impressive.

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