Badger Airbrush Adepticon 2025 online store is open
Looking for a new airbrush? One of the ones you've wanted for awhile, but the price was too high? Badger to the rescue!
Every year when Adepticon is on, Badger puts up an online store with the same prices being offered at the show to participants. I took one look at the page and found they'd made two "offers I could not refuse."
Note: my only connection to Badger is Satisfied Customer.
Thank you for pointing this out! Just ordered a Sotar slim to go with my 2020.
Thanks Tom (@tcinla) but nothing there that I want !
Good timing since both my compressor and airbrush need replacing.
Thanks for sharing, Tom @tcinla
Interesting prices.
Very tempting!
Thanks for the tip, Tom @tcinla. However, i just bought a secondhand H&S Infinity...what an upgrade to my old Ultra.