Pilot Presentation Model
Some of our little East Texas Model Builders Club recently built a model to be presented to a friend of one of the members. The pilot flew 135 missions over North Vietnam, out of DaNang, way back when. Two of our guys were able to travel to the Mississippi Gulf Coast recently to present the model to him. The guy on the left built the base, the one in the center built and painted the kit, and I did the decals.
He liked it, and plans to visit Texas soon. I hope to be able to meet him.
I've added a couple of pictures of the pilot and co-pilot.
Kudos to all involved...a thoughtful idea and a nice build.
Larry, good job and good deed, a proper Hand salute to him and you guys for doing this. BTW. the 390th FS was one of the squadrons assigned to the 366th TFW along with the 389th - 390th- and 391st Fs for many years with lots of famous airplanes. He was flyig the F-4C at that time. I was with the 366th wing when I first joined the Air Force and we were assigned to England AFB La. along with the 401st TFW in 1958 Flying the F-100D and just before that the F-84F ( both wings). I think about 1959 or 60, they were deactivated, The Wing moved without personnel and planes to Mountain Home AFB and activated and equiped with the F-4 Phantoms and of course south east Asia war got in the way. they are a very storied Wing and accomplishments. They are still flying the F-15E right now. again super job for one of our heros..BTW.. you failed to mention his name... thanks for sharing. cws
Thanks for the comments and the unit history. I'm checking now to see if it will be OK to include his name. I thought about including a close up picture of the decals on the canopy rail when I was test fitting them on a sample model, but thought I shouldn't without permission. I'll get back to you.
OK, the pilot's name is Capt Robert Rashka, his co-pilot was Lt Barry Price. I have more pictures of him, the plane and the kit, but don't know how to add them to this thread; probably have to make a new post if anyone wants to see them.
All you should have to do is open your post and select the red "Edit Article" box and scroll down and add whatever other pics you have.
Thanks Larry and all, yes, the directions for an edit of your article is in the instructions are very good and clear.. got the new pics. your decals are very nice and would nice to do some more SEA F-4Cs.. all those kind are getting scarce now and those are great. Had to send off to Russia to find some Col. Olds and Capt. Richie decals ( that is a crying shame too).. but like yours, there are so many.. you did good.
A little more information, a correction and credit:
I gave credit to the club member for doing the base, but it was his wife who did the base; there is a restored F-4 Phantom at a museum in Tyler, Tx that has a history with the 366th TFW and that was also flown by Capt Rashka during his career. The site is: Tylerhamm.org for those who may be interested.