0 articles · 150 karma · 2 friends · active 7 months, 2 weeks ago


61 years of age, from the southwest. Born in Gothenburg Sweden and later moved to Halmstad.

I was 7 when i got introduced to building plastic kits by my father.

Then around 20 I lost intrest somehow now it all came back to me

I'm planning to build planes that have some sort of meaning to me. Or rather some kind of relation to. I will start off with battle of Britain. And then the

Swedish airforce and so forth.

In 1944 17 th of July, there were two B-24 J Liberators that made an emergency landning in Halmstad after got crippled over Germany after a bombing raid . Thats the kind of project Im in to. A diorama with barbwire and a dog and a plane...

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