40 articles · 1.2K karma · 2 friends · active 2 days, 9 hours ago

Avid paper model builder. Loving every minute of life. Family man.

Scissors & Plane Paper model 1/100 scale. Hand for scale.

I take pictures and labelled them. but to appreciate the size of these models, I decided to put my hand in. hope you like what you see. Cheers.

Scissors & Plane P-51D-10 Mustang Paper model 1/ 100 scale

I want to thank each of you who visit my thread. Please I ask if you haven't already, to follow me on my YouTube Channel. Give a like and comment on any video there, it will help boost the Channel. if you feel like it help you in some way, [...]

Scissors & Plane F4U-4 Corsair Paper model 1/ 100 scale

I am still grinning that the cowling came out really good. Now I am beginning to wonder if I want to do cockpits for these models. please enjoy these pics and if possible please consider joining me on my YouTube channel where I show how to [...]

Scissors & Plane SB2C-3 Helldiver Paper model 1/ 100 scale

So the main reason I love this model is the fuselage, specially the tail. just look at the TAIL. and the moniker it got because of its handling. during the build I saw that if I paid extra attention to the spinner and added the exhaust, it [...]

Scissors & Plane Bf109G-10 Paper model 1/ 100 scale

Still need some more practice but the smaller I get the more challenging it becomes to make joints fit properly and remember to printout cut lines. Overall I feel really happy with the final outcome of this model. Makes mye want to do a [...]

Scissors & Plane Westland Whirlwind Paper model 1/ 100 scale

As a kid growing up, I use to read a lot of commando comics. Mainly about the air war stories. I have always been fascinated by the Westland Whirlwind and building this brought my childhood memories back. I am happy with it. the only thing [...]

Olivier LéO 451 Paper ModelScissors &Plane 100 Scale.

When I tried the Potez 630 and saw the results, I knew I had to try the LeO 451. really a beautiful paper model and the fact that this is at 100 scale made it perfect to store on my shelf. hoping to do more unusual multi engine aircraft [...]

Scissors and Plane Chengdu J-20 1/100 scale paper model

Despite how simple it looks, it turned out to be a bit more challenging to build. Still fascinating to build, this was my third attempt to build it. the more I did the more I understand what needed to be done. satisfied with the results. [...]

Scissors & Plane Potez 630 Papermodel 1/ 100 scale

Never heard of this model before. and the French sure can build some unique aircraft. the design was pleasant and an interesting thing as a result is the research to figure how things are supposed to go together. enjoyed it. Full build [...]

Scissors & Plane Consolidated B-24H Liberator Papermodel

Loved this kit!. went together very nicely. minor modifications but overall a very pleasant kit. The unique schemes it wears is for bomber assembly formation. Full build of this model to come very soon on my channel. Cheers my friends.