Building the Imodeler Random Monthly kit Award….. 1/48 Airfix Boulton Paul Defiant

Started by Louis Gardner · 89 · 5 years ago · 1/48, 100 Years of the RAF, Airfix, Defiant, Imodeler awards
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    Paul Barber said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    It seems strange to read a build log of yours where there is only one plane taking shape, Louis! The underside colour looks stunning - it would sit well next to the Spits! A real ‘RAF through the 30 and 40s’ tutorial going on here!

    The daffy looks beautiful, Louis!

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks Paul for the kind words about "Daffy".

    Wow... where has the time gone ? I made a little progress today on this one, and just realized that it has been a month since the last posting here ...

    I sincerely hope this one looks presentable when it's finished. Judging by some of the recent postings (and new articles) added here on Imodeler, the quality of work presented has gone up a notch or two...

    A few days ago I completed painting on all of the props for the current 100 Years of the RAF projects that I currently have underway. Here's the finished prop for Daffy...

    Today I masked off the undersides and various other bits in preparation for spray painting the top side in Dark Earth.

    Once that was done, I sprayed the rest of the airframe. This is how it looks currently.

    I need to wet sand the top side a little in a few spots where the paint went on a little too heavy. Once that's done, I'll mark out the upper camouflage pattern and spray it with some Dark Green...

    Please stay tuned for updates.

    Thanks for looking...

    and as usual,
    "comments are encouraged"

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Louis, your BP is looking like a very solid build, I mean, the surface is smooth with no imperfections to be seem. The brown paint is also just right, revealing the panel lines. I often read people opinion, say less enthusiastic about Airfix panel engraving,, complaining abut being to wide and deep. Your photo is a fine proof that this is not so. It has the right depth for weathering ( oils, panel washers, etc).
    Those AM wheels look great by the way

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    James B Robinson said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    When I grow up...I want to be like Louis Gardner @lgardner, A model building machine! 🙂

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks guys, you're too kind with the compliments.

    I'm very happy with how it has been turning out. I need to wet sand a small area not too far from the wing to fuselage joint. The paint puddled just a little there and it didn't flow out as it dried.

    I'm going to start masking the turret clear parts and the camouflage patterns in a little while.

    Hopefully later tonight I will spray paint on the Dark Green.

    Here's a picture of the aftermarket wheels.

    I never posted a photo of these after I painted them. The shade Dull Aluminum of Bare Metal Foil was used for the center hubs. These are not really this shiny in appearance. The light was hitting them just right when I took the photo.

    After the paint had dried on the "Tyre", I took a white colored pencil and highlighted the "DUNLOP" and "AEROPLANE" logos...

    I agree, this was a worthwhile investment to upgrade the kit supplied wheels.

    Thanks again for looking and I hope to have another update soon.

    As usual,
    "Comments are encouraged" 🙂

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    Paul Barber said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Wheels looking Sharp, Louis. You’ve done Dunlop proud!

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    All looking very smooth and sharp, Louis. As Paul says, though, it’s strange to see just one aircraft on the bench. I’m very impressed - as usual.

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Thank you Paul... I think it was a nice touch that they included the lettering on the sidewalls of the tire. I just colored the letters with a white pencil to bring out the lettering.

    I'm not sure if the real tires had this feature or not, I simply thought it would look cool. I'm a big fan of having raised white letters on factory muscle cars from the 1960's and early 1970's, for the same reasons. Thanks again ! 🙂

    Hello David,
    Yes it's actually quite refreshing to have a single plane on the work bench on occasion. The only reason I do multiple builds is it's an attempt to build up more of the stash that I have accumulated over the many years when I didn't have the opportunity to build. So I guess I'm trying to also make up for lost time.

    Thanks again guys for the compliments... and please stay tuned for the next update on Daffy... I think you will like it, so here goes.

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    As mentioned above, today was a good one for "Daffy"...

    A good portion of the day was used with masking off the camouflage pattern on the upper surfaces.

    I borrowed a trick from another Imodeler friend Rick Wilkes. He enlightened me with using this low tack poster material that can be used to create a form of a soft edge when spraying. You simply roll the stuff on a glass surface into little "snakes" then press the adhesive putty on the surface in the pattern you want.

    Then it's simply a matter of filling in the areas that you don't want painted using masking tape. Once you're happy with how things look, you can begin spraying on the next color.

    In this case I used Model Master enamels RAF Dark Green. I simply sprayed the areas that were left uncovered...

    Once the paint had dried sufficiently, I removed the masking. It took me about 5 minutes to remove the work that took me several hours to accomplish... but I'm very pleased with the results.

    Here's how "Daffy" looks right now. You can see the soft edge where the two colors meet.

    The undersides were also unmasked, revealing the "Sky" color beneath. The hard edges will need a little touch up work, but overall this is a major step forward today...

    Next steps will include masking off the turret glass and main canopy in preparation for spraying. The whole airframe will also receive a coat or two of Future, to give the decals a nice shiny surface to settle down on...

    Getting closer, and the two Hurricanes will receive the same treatment very soon. (Hopefully tomorrow).

    Meanwhile, as the paint is drying, the PRU Spitfire is flying cover for Daffy...

    Thanks for looking, and as always,
    "Comments are encouraged".

    Good night

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    Paul Barber said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Looking REALLY good now, Louis. All of this camo going on has started me wondering how you are going to manage your RAF100 photo call? I have absolutely lost count of how many your total is, but it is going to be one heck of a group photo!

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Thanks Paul for the kind words... The photo call is going to take some thought. It may end up being done in several photos instead of one single picture. Any thoughts or suggestions ?

    I have not been able to get much done on these builds due to various other "Life" duties at the moment.

    But I did get a few clear coats of "Future" sprayed on some planes in preparation for the decals.

    So here's how Daffy looks at the moment. I'll wait a few days, and then it will be time for some "stickers"...

    as always,
    Comments are encouraged.

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    “Comments are encouraged” - well, my comments are; fantastic, brilliant, and wonderful. And I’d add precise, detailed, and beautifully painted. Oh, and well done.

    And those bases look great.

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Thanks David ! I apologize for the late reply... I just noticed your response.

    Newest update... Daffy has stickers.

    and there's a bunch of little stencil decals included too... You can see the underwing round panel lock stencils here...and the "trestle wing here" as well as the "Mooring location", etc. .

    I decided to use the gas detection panel, and the wing walk stripe.

    Now I'm going to let it sit for a day or so before I spray on some clear matt finish to seal the decals.

    If things go well, I may have this one wrapped up soon. I am very pleased with how the kit decals worked. They settled down well. The only place I needed to use decal solvent was on the rudder / fin flash. I wanted to ensure they met at the front of the fin. The decals kept wanting to stay apart at this seam. With a little coaxing, I managed to get them to join at the front.

    Two years in the making... since I was awarded this kit so kindly by Martin and his staff.

    as usual,
    Comments are encouraged.

    Thanks for looking.

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Two years we’ll worth waiting for, Louis. She’s looking beautiful.

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    Peter Hausamann said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Man! you sure make some beautiful looking aircraft.