Early memories – a 1/48 Revell Spitfire Mk II and a 1/48 Hasegawa P-47D Razorback Thunderbolt Mk I

Started by James B Robinson · 60 · 5 years ago
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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    One of the first model planes my father built while introducing me to this mind numbing hobby was a motorized P-47. He did most of the assembly while instructing and allowed me to paint a few details. Fond memories of him fiddling with the pieces while holding a fat cigar between his fingers. I can still smell that aroma. Dad followed up the P-47 with a beautiful Fokker Dr. I, of course in Red Baron Red. He didn’t let me help or play with that one, with good reason of course. This would have been some time in the mid 1960’s to my best recollection. As I stated in my first article, the Mk II Spitfire was the very first model I built without my father’s help. This choice was probably made because of the 1969 Battle of Britain movie.

    With the urging of my friend Louis Gardner @lgardner, I will be building two aircraft for the ‘100 Years of The Royal Air Force Group Build’. First off is a 1/48 Revell Spitfire Mk II (my first plastic model build in over 40 years) along with a 1/48 Hasegawa P-47D Razorback Thunderbolt.

    Starting off, both models were washed in mild soapy water and left to dry. Not sure this was really required but following what others have indicated, what could it hurt. I started by removing parts from the sprues and was a bit amused and confounded with the Revell model. Clearly imprinted on the lower wing was the following, the sprue cutters are pointing at it.

    A little sanding and this was removed. I will readdress this with a wet sand after applying primer. I then cleaned up the cockpit pieces and tested fitted before glue application. My build process is going to be a little slow due to my work schedule. I work four days a week typically making for longer days, so my build time will be limited to available weekends and the occasional Kitchen Pass is handed out by SWMBO.

    After the glue was allowed to dry, I painted the interior areas of the fuselage and cockpit pieces.

    Now I will spend a little time with my other build, the P-47. I've ordered new decals representing RAF service for the Razorback. Once these arrive, I will add a post of them.

    By the way Paul Barber @yellow10, if these don’t pass muster, I still have the Lego kit to fall back on. 

    MTC. James B

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    Paul Barber said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    You’ve given me four great big smiles this morning, James.

    1. The ‘made in China’ detail had me spitting out my tea!

    2. This afternoon I have a ‘kitchen pass’ from SWMBO myself - work is incredibly busy, weekends are jam-packed with sporting endeavour for the kids and I have been exempted all responsibility (in a few hours time) other than for damaging plastic in an empty house - I will be settling in with the music you suggested, a clear conscience and a seige mentality!

    3. That Camel! It is actually more than welcome - it would make a humorous and apposite addition (I also laughed because a WNW Camel has recently been delivered here by the postie - my self-imposed stash embargo was blown away by a spate of WNW lunacy).

    4. I am so glad you have joined in the fun. Your posts throughout the GB have been fantastic - thank you, so much - and these are going to be great additions.

    I hope you have a wonderful time as you reminisce with these two historic birds - it is great to evoke the feelings and memories that excited us so much as we got into the hobby - not to mention high quality time spent with our dads!

    Happy happy building , James!

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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Paul @yellow10, glad I made you smile. I was truly shocked at the made in China bit. Never expected that to be on the outside. Lesson learned! The Revell kit really has some challenges, I believe it was produced in 2011. The story behind the Lego kit, my father purchased my son that kit when he was about 4 years old back in 1999. We took it home and he proceeded to build it. He could not read yet but he loved Lego's and could follow the diagrams. I assisted by helping him sort the pieces and with anything that he stumbled on. He completed it in about 2 hours. Really wished I had glued it, but I didn't want to slow him down. It eventually ended up like every other Lego kit he had and never resembled a Camel again after about two days. Several years ago, my son gave this one to me for Christmas. It will get built, with glue this time, so you never know what could happen.

    Hope you enjoy the music and the down time! 🙂

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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Quick update: The decals arrived today, now to decide which plane to depict.

    And I will adjust the title to properly indicated the P-47D as a MK I model.

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    Craig Abrahamson said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Lookin' forward to these, James...even though, at least to ME, that Jug just won't "look right" with British roundels. 🙂

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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Craig @craigindaytona, I understand. I never knew that the Jug was on the lend lease program but they were. Mostly in India, Burma, Malaysia and China. The decals in the Hasegawa kit were in terrible shape, succumbing to the heat from being stored out in the garage for an extended period. I was searching for something with a little more pizazz and then realized that this might be the perfect addition to this group effort. Not to worry, I will probably build another one in the future. I have a few iconic ones in mind.

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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Hey James ! This is great news to see that you have started a build journal for these two !

    I apologize for the late reply, we were having some computer problems... I think it's sorted out now.

    You made some great choices for markings... I'll be following along watching the progress.

    The "Made in China" and your version of a WNW's Camel was the best... 🙂

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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Louis @lgardner, no problems. I was totally not prepared for the "Made in China" stamp. What the heck were they thinking, but then again, based on the level of detail in this kit it doesn't surprise me. Not sure I can turn this Sow's ear into a purse, but I will try. Yea, that Lego kit is kind of special to me. It's going to get built and hung for the ceiling soon. 🙂

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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Weekend update: Not much was accomplished but some progress was made. P-47 received most of the attention. Cockpit parts were cut loose and cleaned up. Then I painted the interior section of the fuselage and pieces. Curious, the inside of the tail wheel looks to be a fabric covering on the inside. Will research this to determine what material this is. Could be a canvas cover, not sure.

    We, as in SWMBO - my better half, picked out the markings for the Spitfire. It will represent "Venture I" of No. 411 Squadron. The squadron was formed on 16 June 1941 at RAF Digby in Lincolnshire, England. The squadron began operations in August 1941. Part of the Hornchurch Wing, it operated over continental Europe on Rhubarb sorties and as bomber escorts. After some rest periods the squadron joined the Kenley Wing for more operations over Europe. based in Normchurch.

    I picked HD648, 'NAC' of 146 Squadron based in Kumbhirgram India. I have not found much information on this particular Squadron or their assignments.

    MTC. James B

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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    It's astonishing to see the size difference between these two planes. The 3rd photo you posted shows this difference very well.

    It very well could be a canvas cover on the tail wheel.

    Your builds are coming right along my friend ! 🙂

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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Louis, yes the size difference is pretty big. The Spit is a sleek dainty thing compared to the burly tank like P-47. I've been around both and only inside a Mk IX which feels like a sports car compared to the Helldiver. Very similar in size with the Jug. I was going to try and swing by Lone Star Flight Museum and look up Tarheel Hal's skirt to see what I could, but I'm on grand-dog sitting duty tomorrow and Saturday so that might have to wait. Hope to coach the pups into sitting still while I get a little bench time. 😉

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    Tom Cleaver said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    There is a canvas boot over the tailwheel leg and the opening of the tailwheel well on the P-47. the intention was to keep out dirt while taxying.

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    Tom Bebout said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Looking good James, I've built that Revell Spit, no issues come to mind it's a nice little kit. However, the cockpit detail is rather sparse.. If you do another one try the Tamiya Spit, the cockpit detail is outstanding, just needed to add a AF seat with belts.

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    David Mills said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Liking the colour scheme for the Thunderbolt, James, those SEAC schemes always look good!

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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Thank you Tom @tom-bebout, Did your Revell kit have the "Made In China" embossing? 🙂 Another Spit will be in my future, just need to decide if it's Tamiya or Airfix. Watching Garner's build to see which one wins.

    David @davem, Greetings from Texas. Thank you for following. Yes, the SEAC schemes look good. I was surprised that the colors were a bit different than those used in the European campaign. The challenge is going to be the tail section since the decal guide indicates the painting was not perfect and seemed rushed. Will have to play with that technique and see what I can come up with. Cheers.

    Hope to post some more after the weekend. Baby sitting the Grand dogs today and tomorrow so I'm not sure how much bench time I will get.

    James B