With the Xtracolour grey fully dried, I masked off the grey demarcation line to create a hard edge on the forward fuselage and nose section, the grey wing tip pods and a small section under each side of the exhaust panels. Next is too airbrush Tamiya Black over the canopy frames before applying the Dark Earth.
Next is to apply the Dark Earth over the top surfaces. Using Gunze Acrylic enamel. This paint will dry semi glossy. And shoots very well out of my Paasche H single action airbrush. Love this paint. Very little if any clogging. Normally when doing a mutli color camo job I would only paint the sections of the airframe the Dk Earth leaving the areas Dark Green exposed. But this Typhoon is in a promotional paint scheme and is always kept clean. ( you ever seen a well worned Blue Angel F/A-18?, they are pristine in appearance). Since I didn't do any preshading for this particular build, I shot the Dark Earth on all the top surfaces.
Next to make sure not to forget to paint the canards.
Next up is to now airbrush the 2nd color, Tamiya Dk Green. I will free hand the Green over the Dk Earth a quick shot on the LH wing panel.
Tamiya also performs very well coming out of the brush. First edging the Green where it meets the Dark Earth and then filling it in to complete each section that will be Dk Green.
Once dry I then remove the maskings to reveal the final finish. And what I may have to go over any overspray.
Once making note what I have to go over. Next up is to paint the grey trim and parts of the flying sections that will be grey as well. So some detail painting is next. Not a simple scheme. So will put it a aside to let it dry for a week and then come back for so more masking for the next step. More to follow.