Revell 1/48th Eurofighter Typhoon

Started by Chuck A. Villanueva · 94 · 5 years ago
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    Tom Cleaver said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    Q: What does the starship Enterprise and a roll of toilet paper have in common?

    A: they both chase Klingons around Uranus.


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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    I know you'll have plenty of reference photos and research images but I really like the Eurofighter. I had thought about doing a dio of this image at some point...

    It'd be a really nice challenge to get the clouds and turbulence patterns right, but it'd look spectacular if you got it right.

    A couple of interesting photos of the Typhoon in terms of weathering.

    Again, in terms of weathering here's another interesting photo. The 'tin canning' debates currently going on about weathering regarding ships and subs makes me think of the weathering in modern jets. Lots of people make amazing models but to me overdo the 'marbling' effect or preshading. In my opinion the photo below looks ludicrous- although others may see it as beautiful...

    Even aircraft that are left unattended for years don't weather the way many modelers make them. It's a highly subjective issue in a highly subjective hobby. I'm not saying one way is right or wrong, just stating an opinion.

    Finally, my favourite weathered jet...

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    First thing, as I left for the reunion this morning, here in the IE was already 103 at 9:00 am. Drove to the car wash, got the Escalade nice and shiny. Now the 45 min drive to La Habra from Rancho. And before I can say cruise control and A/C on, the car over heated. The gauge kicking all they way over past red. Danger Will Robinson Danger !

    Hood open, letting it cool off, no leaks, all the hoses intact, coolant at the proper level in the reservoir tank. Yet I smell that tell tale odor of coolant that you get when the car gets hot. I'm thinking that maybe the thermostat is not opening as it should.

    And for some reason the temp is only 93 . 10 degrees cooler. So I let the car sit for an hour under a tree, a friendly couple stops next to me and ask if everything is ok, I just mention car is overheating, and they hand over a Gatorade and a water. How cool and kind is that.

    So I limp the car over to a friends shop toss the key into the mail slot and wait for my ride, and then it's start to rain. Lol, so much for waiting in the car.LOL

    I get back home and it's 110. what a day.!

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    Tom Cleaver said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    That's the best "Why I didn't attend the reunion" excuse I've ever heard! 🙂

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    Tom Cleaver said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    David: the Skyhawk is definitely "over the top Spanish School." That MiG-23 would be the kind of diorama that would have the "let's c**p it up" crowd over the top in awe.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    I am deeply disappointed I didn't make it. I enjoyed those days. I was looking forward to seeing my lifelong friends so to say I was making an excuse not to go, you are sadly mistaken. TC, for you to suggest that I didn't want to go after planning this , sitting in a hot car all damn day long really is low. Opportunities like this you cannot make up and are gone forever. Not a happy camper right now...

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    Chuck, what a day. I'm truly sorry you didn't get to the reunion. Here in the U.K. (For whatever reason) we just don't do these events. Cultural differences? Not sure, and it's only in the last ten years we have started doing 'proms'. I know you were looking forward to this, mainly as you've bucked the trend and stuck with school friends through your life. A true 'reverse Midas Touch' day.

    Hope the rest of the weekend is going better, my friend.

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    I had a near miss with school. When I was in my mid teens I was captain of the rugby club, playing in a band, and heading toward being one of your 'losers', Tom. It was, funnily enough, a guy called Tom (an introvert 'geek') who against the grain, befriended me and introduced me to a lifelong love of reading and art. A couple of years ago I managed to get in touch with him and shared this story with his wife who said, "that's exactly the sort of reason I love the man". Don't know why I'm sharing this on a modeling site, and it has nothing to do with a Eurofighter, but without Tom's influence I think my life would have turned out very differently, and certainly not for the better.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    David, it is a rare opportunity to see friends that gather from far off. Every 10 years we do this, of course as each decade goes by, the attrition rate climbs then you have those who do not live close by, so planning or life situations may prevent them from attending. So missing this was heartbreaking. As we do not know what the next 10 years will bring, as health comes into play as well as other life issues. So it was not a good day.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    Dave-Leigh sharing more than just models, is good and perfect even in the middle of a WIP, I encourage it as much to share a little bit of our selves from what make us who we are today. And that is exactly what these reunions are about with friends, talking about our kids, grand kids, how life is, comparing the lifestyle growing up then what is today. But being civil about it. As we grow we take from learning and use it to make our way in life, take the roads presented before us and choose which one to take. The influence of our friends dictate at times when deciding our path. Though me personally they did have some influence, it still a decision that was biblically based and how God chose for me as well. This I believe.

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    Thanks, Chuck. Just a bit worried I might have gone off the beaten track (I've been known to). Some may say that as modelers we are all recreating (figuratively and literally) artifacts from the past. Building stimulates all sorts of old memories for me, all of them good. I find that I smile a lot sitting a the bench. Even when I lose crucuial nose cones!

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    James B Robinson said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    @uscusn I missed my 40th Reunion last year. Even though we have a strong connection on Facebook with our School page, it is far better to see each other face to face. I too was looking forward to being there and reuniting with friends in person. Unfortunately, we had this little storm called Harvey that almost washed us away. Getting back into model building has brought back a lot of fond memories from middle school and high school. We plan to meet again in 2022.

    I'd take David's advice and keep smiling

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    Stephen W Towle said 5 years, 10 months ago:

    Well in the end ...there are no winners or losers everyone meets the same fate. So its the life stories , the adventures and people sharing there gifts and talents in ways that matter. Whether there big or small. I've met engineers, artists, doctors, pilots, mechanics and writers all through modeling. Not counting apples and oranges...John Lennon said " Life is what happens while we are making other plans." A thermostat goes out on a guy's ride and he has to pull over and waits for his ride to cool down and can find the good in peoples heart for giving him a Gatorade. Its how you deal with life and how you can find positive things about a disappointment. My last reunion... they read from a list of folks who have past. A little humility,dignity,laughter,music and BS go along way. I like David's and James comments too. Pontificating over.

    I would like to add that following this string on how to build a Revell Typhoon is of interest. Check under fun.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Fly Navy

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    I love to share life experiences for those who want share on these WIPS anytime anywhere and when. But I will not tolerate any offensive remarks, innuendos or anything political that can lead to dangerous situations as things written or said can be misconstrued no matter if unintentional even jokes. What may be funny to one culture or heritage can be offensive to another. Remember that this site is international and some customs for one is not the same for another. So lets stay with the modeling unless a comment is invited among friends. So that being said, lets get back to modeling.