1/48 Monogram P-39 Airacobra, 42nd Pursuit Squadron, Alaska

Started by Tom Bebout · 20 · 7 years ago
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    Tom Bebout said 7 years ago:

    Just can't help myself, saw this kit at the Louisville show for $5.00. I currently have an Ultracast P-39 seat, wheels, and some after market decals in my stash. Since I've recently build this kit, I know it doesn't have a lot of fiddly parts, and the shape and fit is still quite good. Better yet there's a couple of weeks left in the Midway Group Build. So, what's not to lose, I'm going for another build for the Midway Group. Just a glutton for punishment.

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years ago:

    Nice score ! Looks like the Louisville show was a good one. I like the older style instructions. For me they were easier to understand than a bunch of pictograms, but hey.

    I remember building that one as a kid. I still have it but it's not too much to look at... time hasn't been too good to it.

    This will be a welcome addition to the Group Build. Thanks for starting another one my friend. I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines. 🙂 🙂 🙂

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    Robert Royes said 7 years ago:

    Ahh the classic monogram blue box. Can't wait for the end product.

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    David Mills said 7 years ago:

    Great find Tom everything still on the sprue !

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    Tom Bebout said 7 years ago:

    Little work accomplished on the P-39. Got the cockpit painted and did some detailing of the instruments with a prismacolor pencil. All hand painted with Model Master acrylics.Finished off with a wash of water,Future and some black acrylic paint. Added 1/2 oz of lead to the nose which should keep the nose down.Should be able to close her up shortly and put some paint on her.

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years ago:

    Looks great Tom ! Is that the stock seat from the kit ? It is very detailed...

    coming along nicely...

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    Tom Bebout said 7 years ago:

    Ultracast seat, spiffs up the cockpit rather well.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 7 years ago:

    Coming along very well Tom, I heard the Monogram P-39 stands up well against the newer generation offerings from Eduards and Hasegawa. I have one in the stash set to build next year I hope.

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    Rob Anderson said 7 years ago:

    Sweet! Love the old Monogram kits, that looks like and early if not original release of the kit? If so $5 is a great price, the Monogram P-39 still represents well after all these years!

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    Tom Bebout said 7 years ago:

    Chuck I've done the Edward kit, it goes together very nice but the wing appears to be rather thick. I also have the Hasegawa in the stash, lots more interior detail that's not represented with the Monogram kit. BTY, Rob the same dealer had a later box version of the P-39 and let me have it for $5 as well. Gotta get some more decals soon.

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    Tom Bebout said 7 years ago:

    Time for some paint, got the neutral gray on and now it's time for one each P-39 in Olive Drab. Since time is short I'm using Tamiya rattle can for this build. Goes on well and dries quickly.

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years ago:

    Sweet looking P-39 Tom ! The resin pilots seat upgrade really turned out very nice. Wow , already spray painted too. You're making some killer progress... I have the Ghost Squadron version of this one still in the box, but after watching how this one is going together I really don't know how long it will stay in the box ... 🙂

    These older Monogram P-39's are still a great little build.

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 7 years ago:

    And the cockpit and the internal nose detail could only be found in the aftermarket, even after all these years. A little simplistic, but the only other drawback is the raised panel lines. The Promodeler issue gives you the underwing gun pods as on the Q, and some photoetch, plus 2 of their (IMHO) superlative figures. I believe if they had sold their groundcrew and pilot figures seperately, or in assortments, they could have made some real money. Like the stick of paratroopers in their C-47.

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    Tom Bebout said 7 years ago:

    Last night I applied some decals using spares as well as those from the excellent AeroMaster sheet. Did a little wash with a home made brew, covered her with some Future and we'll see if a dull coat can be applied sometime today. Should have her done shortly.

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    Tom Bebout said 7 years ago:

    Louis I did the Ghost Squadron version not long ago and posted it on iModeler as a white tailed P-39 flown out of New Guinea. I think it looks rather well with a white tail.