Midway Group Build to be revealed between June 3rd and June 7th

Started by Louis Gardner · 1 · 7 years ago · Midway Group Build
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    Louis Gardner said 7 years, 7 months ago:

    I am reposting this article here as a reminder, just in case you may have missed the original in the headlines section. I also just sent out a Group email in regards to posting the reveals. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.

    Thank you again for your tremendous efforts. Without you, this whole "Midway Group Build" would have never happened. I sincerely appreciate everything you have done. Together we have helped to bring a very important part of our history to life.

    There are now only a few days left until our Midway Group Build reveals…

    Dear Group Build contributors, please start posting your models between June 3rd and June 7th in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Midway.

    I would like to mention that we have had a really great turn out for this Group Build. I also would like to personally thank each and every one of you that have participated in the event. Whether it was building a model, posting articles about Midway related research materials and / or photographs, or by posting encouraging statements from the sidelines. Without everyone’s participation this Anniversary event would not be occurring.

    I also want to thank Martin and the staff from iModeler, for allowing us the opportunity to do this. Without your website and technical assistance from time to time, this event definitely would not have happened. This is a great place !

    Please start posting your completed builds from our “Midway” Group on Saturday, June 3rd, 2017. The reveals should continue to be posted on through, (until June 7th), which was that last date that something significant occurred during the battle. You should post your articles and associated photographs in the “Headlines” section.

    If you want to try and “time” your posting so that it is actually posted on a specific date during the event (only 75 years later) that is relevant to your build, that would be really cool too. The choice is yours.

    This should allow for each model from the “Midway Group Build” to spend some time on the front page of the Headlines Section, since we will have four (4) days to post our reveals. We should be able to stagger the timing of postings which will allow this.

    If you haven’t yet completed your builds, that’s OK, since the deadline for this event is not being strictly enforced.

    Simply post up your completed builds when you get them done here in the headlines section. If you’re not finished by June 7th with your build(s), (and you don’t mind), please continue to post your progress under the Midway GB section too.

    Meanwhile, I have a certain PBY Catalina to finish…

    Take care everyone, and I hope that you have been enjoying this GB as much as I have.