1/35 Tamiya M-4 Sherman โ€Early Productionโ€ 1st Armored Division, Kasserine Pass

Started by Louis Gardner · 57 · 6 years ago
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    Louis Gardner said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    I'm in for another build... I dug this one out of the stash,

    and found out there were some aftermarket goodies stored in the box...
    a nice turned aluminum barrel

    and a set of AFV club individual track links...

    However I didn't have the proper decals in the stash... so I found this set and ordered them online a few minutes ago.

    The nice thing about this set of aftermarket decals is that there are also a few sets of markings for other US armored vehicles in North Africa... namely the M-3 Stuart... and I just so happen to have two in the stash. (one the "Honey" version, the other the M3A1, both are Academy kits).

    Man I'm getting stoked with this Group build... just what the doctor ordered.

    Thanks again David for starting this one !

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    Tom Bebout said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    The Iron Works seems to have been reopened for business Looks like fun

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    Thanks Tom ! There's a lot of iron in a Sherman ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
    and I have been itching to build a tank...

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    David A. Thomas said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    Christmas comes early, because Iโ€™m getting almost everything I want in this build group. We have American, British, French, and German air power, British, German, and American armor. We are few but mighty!

    Thanks for taking on the Sherman, Louis! Weโ€™re telling the story!

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    Paul Barber said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    Brilliant Louis, the group needed a touch more Armour! So pleased to see you add this - perfect!

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    Today was a productive day at the "Iron Works"... Even though this isn't a Grumman, it was heavy.

    I focused mainly on the hull. So far the fit has been spot on.

    Here is how the rear looks right now. The air cleaners, track tensioners, rear grill doors, tow pintle and rear idlers have been installed.

    On the front end of the hull, I installed the three piece casting that covered the transmission on the real one. Here you can also see the sprockets, and tow attachment points have been attached now.

    This is an overall side view of the lower section of the hull. I have yet to add the suspension bits. These still have to be assembled.

    On to the upper hull section:

    This photo shows the rear upper deck, with the tail lights and guards added. The engine covers have also been installed. I'm leaving off the OVM tools until after the OD Green has been sprayed on.

    Here's a close up of the front portion of the upper hull. I decided to add a crew this time, even though my figure painting skills leave a lot to be desired...

    In this photo you can see the bow gun, headlights and guards, along with the hatches in the open position.

    This picture shows the upper and lower hull mocked into position. These parts will not get glued together just yet...

    It is starting to look like a Sherman ! I'm stoked.

    The only thing I don't like about this kit is the open area under the side sponsons. The area that is just above the tracks... It can be seen very easily in this photo.

    But once the track has been installed, and the side skirts added, hopefully this will not be too noticeable.

    Please stay tuned for future updates. Thanks for following along so far.

    As usual, comments are encouraged.

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    David A. Thomas said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    Wow, Louis, you work fast! I've started on the A-20, but it'll be a bit yet before I'm ready to post.

    I'm doing figurines, too, but I'm doing them entirely with oils, whilst the rest will be with lacquers and acrylics. Have you used oils for figurines before?

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    Tom Bebout said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    Nice going Louis ,I'm seriously looking at a 1/35 M-7 Priest by Italeri. Must have won it in a raffle because I don't remember buying it. Not a tank but it does have tracks and a 105mm Howitzer.

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    Jeff Bailey said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    Louis, it looks like you're off to a great start. It seems like Academy folks make a nice model, but I do wonder where the crew is supposed to put the tools that don't get strapped to the outside. Sponson boxes come in handy to DATS! LoL! But seriously, you're right - when the track is on & the skirts fastened, only a few of us will know any different! I may try to reserrect my Crusader for this group build, especially given MY work speed & the fact that I still have at LEAST 65% of my Hellcat to finish for the Year of the Cat build!

    Great Sherman, my friend!

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    Hello David. No I have never used oils to paint figures, but someday I might give it a try. I don't think I work fast, its just armor is easy, especially when it's all one basic color like OD Green. I would like to see some progress on your A-20. Maybe it would kick start me into working on the one I have on the "shelf of doom"... ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks Tom. The M-7 Priest looks like a great kit to build. I say go for it and give it a try... I'm happy to see you didn't call it a tank like many do. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hey Jeff. Yes you're right about those sponson boxes. They also help to keep some of your stuff from "growing legs" and walking away, especially just before an inspection... On these Shermans, it looks like most (if not all) of the OVM tools were strapped outside. They didn't have much room for gear inside either. Heck, they didn't even have a bustle rack like we did. We tankers (otherwise known as "DAT's") sure have come a long way...

    I'd like to see how your Hellcat is coming along. I need to get cranking on mine too... Thanks for the compliments and it's good to hear from you.

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    Today was another very productive day at the "Iron Works"...

    I built the suspension:

    Sat the upper hull in place to see how things were looking:

    Built up two more crew members and mocked them into position...

    Completed the turret:

    painted the inside of the turret

    and the main gun / breech mechanism

    then painted and installed the radio

    Finally I gave the whole chassis a coat of Olive Drab.

    Here in this photo, all of the parts are mocked together. The upper and lower hulls have not yet been glued together.

    This also prompted me to pull out another kit from the "shelf of doom". This one happens to be the 1/35 scale Italeri version of a M4A-1 with a 76 MM main gun and extended turret. My Dad served in these types initially as the very first type of tank he was a crew member in.

    Here you can see the M4A-1 on the right.
    M-4 early production on the left:

    and again in the foreground of this photo.

    This one got the turret inside painted white and an overall coat of OD Green as well today.

    As usual, comments are encouraged.

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    David A. Thomas said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    Dang, Lou! You are positively cooking on this thing! Gotta give a guy like me time to catch up!

    I'll try and post some stuff by this weekend on the A-20. I've been working on the engines, and starting to paint the figurines, but the rear giunner's position is woefully inadequate so I had to make a run for some supplies. More in that thread, but I am working on it!

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    Louis Gardner said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    The decals arrived this afternoon.

    Here's how they look.

    Here's the tank I'm going to model. This one doesn't have the fender skirts. So I may end up blocking off the underside of the sponsons.

    It's the main reason why I purchased this set of decals. But it doesn't hurt that there are SO many little M-3 Stuart's on here too. (Also from the Kasserine Pass). Hmmmmmm. I just happened to find an original photo of one of these after it was captured by the Germans.

    Maybe tomorrow I can get some decals placed on and some details painted on the Sherman.

    Comments are encouraged. Thanks for looking.

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    David A. Thomas said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    Great looking stuff!

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 7 years, 2 months ago:

    Tell them (re: the sponson space) that's it's a curbstone model. The car guys will understand,the others- hey, I love to confuse people. Watch them walk into things, mumble to themselves, good clean fun.
    Coming along beautifully, love the figure surgery.