I contend, Bernie, that humanity has had several basic stages of weaponry development, though that is probably simplistic. The first is a handheld weapon of some sort (club, spear, sword, etc.). The next, which overlaps the first in usage, is a trajectory (thrown club or spear, arrow, even a bullet or a bomb). The third would be the use of fire, again overlapping the first two. When in medieval times people used diseased bodies to spread epidemics (i.e., biological warfare), that took us to the fourth stage. The fifth stage is what we have now--devices that supersede impact and percussion and obliterate, combining "all of the above" when the after effects are taken into account.
Things remained in Stages 1-3 for millennia, went to Stage 4 (as far as we know) in the Middle Ages, and in the life times of our parents has gone to Stage 5.
We are truly a fateful generation. What chills me is that the Pax Americana (or perhaps better said, the Pax Nucleana) is losing its effect. Once humanity forgets and loses its fear--the fear that has held peace since 1945, albeit a tortured peace--what happens then?