Ah, David. The story here is Shakespearean in its tragedy, if not Homeric. The crew will be depicted on their way to Kasserine, just a few days after landing in Tunis. Both Karl (such confidence as a professional soldier, but as a human...) and Hans returned to Europe injured in March of '43 shortly before almost quarter of a million of their comrades surrendered to the Allies. Although easy going, Hans's childhood stammer returned after fighting in the failed operation 'Ochsenkopf' and would remain with him until his death.
After our commander and gunner recuperated, PzAbt 501 were reformed and both fought together in the winter of '43 at the Eastern Front. Just outside what is now known as Belarus, their Tiger (too heavy for the bridge they were traversing) fell into a river and both were drowned.
1 additional image. Click to enlarge.