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All looking excellent, my friend @lis!
The decals do look really good, Bernard @lis
Final small bits.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Nicely prepared, my friend @lis!
Nicely done, Bernard @lis
Final weathering and coat of clear.
8 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Very nice finish, Bernard @lis Just a few tiny bits left.
Super job so far, my friend @lis!
Masks were removed. Few small bits was added as bomb bay doors, pitot’s tubes, antenna, radio cable…
5 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Coming together nicely, my friend @lis!
This is looking very nice already, Bernard @lis
And B-17 complete! Time for diorama!
Very nice, Bernard (@lis). You have done some really nice work on this one. The spinning prop is a nice touch.
That's an amazing Flying Fortress, bernard @lis Looks wonderful. Looking forward to the diorama.
@fiveten @gblair @johnb Thank You! I just working with animals now.
11 attached images. Click to enlarge.