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Some good progress, Felix @fxrob
Looks excellent, my friend @fxrob! Looking forward to the camo application!
How about this nasty gap in engine?
Black primer will be a good base for the painting, Felix (@fxrob). Nice catch on the "S" shaped panel line.
That will work Bernard (@lis)
I started working on the turrets a little, for a change of scenery. Painted most of the interior. This is going to be one heck of a masking job!🙂
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Another Find. B-24 J FO-10 with "S" wave fairing near turret. So all FO models has it? Only visible difference between F FO and J FO that I see is pitot tubes lower on fuselage.
Good start on the turret parts, Felix @fxrob
Hi, Felix (@fxrob): The turrets on 1/72 scale bombers really add to the complexity of the build, especially when you start masking all of the curved surfaces. These Airfix turrets look very nice compared to some of the older kits. Now comes the fun part: assembling and masking.
Great progress on the turret bits, my friend @fxrob!
@lis, it is still visible. I have been filling it up with Vallejo liquid putty as i have no traditional putty at hand. I will sand it down eventually and leave it as it is. Thankfully it is not on the outer side of an engine nacelle.
Another observation. B-24 H Block 30-FO. another side window next to the modified trapezoidal bombardier window in Ford factory cars. I see that you really have to try hard to find something perfect to build.