Things have really slowed down again as I hit some unexpected problems. The first problem was tinting the eyebrow window over the pilots a transparent green. I used Tamiya Clear Green on the glass over the tail gunner, which came out perfect. It didn't work so well on the eyebrow window. This portion of the canopy is very curved, and the clear green wanted to pool instead of giving a consistent green. I tried thinning the green with either alcohol or water, both of which made the problem worse. Duh! I finally was able to get a consistent green by using full strength Tamiya Clear Green and constantly turning the canopy to prevent pooling. As it dried, it formed some light spots which I fixed by dabbing some more clear green in the area. I eventually got a consistent green, but it was too dark. I removed the clear green by soaking the canopy in alcohol. I discovered I could get consistent results if I mixed Tamiya Clear Green with Tamiya Clear Gloss. I got a green canopy with consistent color, so I decided to quit while I was ahead.
My second problem is with the nose section. The bottom section is added separately from the fuselage, and I discovered that it was pinched in at the top. There is a flange where it attaches to the fuselage that forced the plastic to the correct shape. I assumed (you know what they say about assuming) that the front of the plastic would also be forced into the correct shape. When I checked the nose glass, I discovered that the rear of the glass fit perfectly, but the forward section was still pinched in a couple of millimeters. No amount of putty will fix this. I cut a small length of brass rod to force the forward part of the compartment to the correct width. I then glued the canopy to the nose compartment. I am hoping I can remove the rod and have the glass keep the width correct, but I am not holding my breath. I am prepared to camouflage the brass rod with paint and leave it in the nose. Not a great solution, but it will work.
Tomorrow will consist of gluing the rest of the canopies in place and letting them dry. I always let canopies dry for 24 hours before I add the masking. In the meantime, I am making some painting decisions. Cheers.
8 attached images. Click to enlarge.
1. An alcohol bath removes the Tamiya Clear Green.
1. Panel in waist gunner's windows filled with acrylic putty, let dry, then smoothed with alcohol.
1. Finally, a consistent result with Clear Green, but too dark. Back to the bath.
1. I always covers the edges of the glass with black marker to prevent stray light from shining into the plastic.
1. Nose glass glued and drying, brass rod holding the nose at the proper width.
1. Full-strength Tamiya Clear Green will pool in the low areas of the glass.
1. Finally, a consistent green using Tamiya Clear Green mixed with Clear Gloss. A little light, so I may try a second layer.