De Havilland Mosquito PR. XVI operation Frantic VII

Started by capt. R · 136 · 11 months ago
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    capt. R said 12 months ago:

    Hello my friends! Last weekend I was promoted to the capitan rank and I a little chaned my nickname. I just start new project, last from Frantic build for couple of time. Kit looks pritty good but on very beginning I found missing G3 part. I’m upset. This mosquito was recon plane so a lot of holes for cameras need to be drilled. I used small set of PE belts.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 12 months ago:

    Congratulations on your promotion, my friend @lis! Excellent entry, looking forward to it!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 12 months ago:

    A well deserved promotion, Bernard @lis
    Looks like an amazing kit, except for the missing part, hope you are able to scratch build that one.

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    capt. R said 12 months ago:

    not optimistic

    Dear Sir
    Thank you for contacting us with your enquiry and we are sorry to hear that you have had an issue with your Airfix kit.

    No comments for me…

    Unfortunately, due to the age of the kit, we have not been able to locate the part that you have requested so I am sorry but on this occasion we are unable to be of assistance.

    However provided your kit was purchased within the last 12 months and the parts were missing or damaged upon receipt, your place of purchase will be able to replace or refund the kit for you.

    I do apologise for the inconvenience that this may have caused.

    Kind Regards

    Airfix Spares Team
    I have no skills to scratch build... Try to find resin radio.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 12 months ago:

    That is a real pity, Bernard @lis
    I guess you are not able to return it to the hobby store.
    Hope you can find a resin radio as replacement.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 12 months ago:

    A pity that there's no replacement part, my friend @lis. Hope you work out a solution.

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    capt. R said 12 months ago:

    Work with cockpit. I set decal on IP pannel and next decal dissapired. I don’t know how. So I painted IP pannel by brush.

    @johnb I checked kit after I recived parcell, but I missed that this part are missing. The edge of the unfilled plastic was so smooth that it looked like nothing was supposed to be there so I opened the plastic bags. Well, Airfix unfortunately has various mishaps on the corner. I think Academy has the least of them in my area.


    PS. I purchase set of various resin radios. Mabye sth will be simillar.

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    Felix said 12 months ago:

    Ha! One of my favorite new kits from Airfix being built by captain R @lis! Taking a seat and watching!
    Sorry to read about missing parts - i have never had that problem.
    There’s actually not too many holes to be drilled and they’re marked well on the inside.
    Oh, the weathering in the cockpit looks great btw!

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    Dan DeSilva said 12 months ago:

    Hey- I would be happy to scratch build you a radio if you sent me the dimensions of the box that fits in the location. give it to me in mm.
    I know your kit is 1/72, but I have 1/48 PR.XVI Mossie kits, so can use photos and the kit part to do a convincing job for you. No charge- I have had plenty modellers help me over the years, glad to help.
    The photo of the sprue looks like that one part out of the whole kit was short shot somehow!

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    Dan DeSilva said 12 months ago:

    whoops just saw you already bought some resin radios. I will keep an eye on your build.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 12 months ago:

    Excellent progress, my friend @lis!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 12 months ago:

    The interior looks impressive, Bernard @lis
    To me your painted IP looks better than what it would with a decal.

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    capt. R said 12 months ago:

    @fxrob Felix, unfortunately it happened to me several times that an Airfix kit was missing or broken. Usually, I can repair broken parts, but missing parts - oh well. I drilled four holes. Small ones 1,5mm has suspender to drill. Larger 3,2mm hole need to be drilled without any tools.Mabye I made wrong angel during drilling or sth like this. Finally I Putty and sand smooth hole with clear part, and polish by polish compound from Tamiya

    @danfrombermuda it's very nice of you to want to help. As I wrote, I ordered a set of different radio stations, maybe something will fit, but if nothing fits, I will be happy to use your help.

    @johnb Fuslege closed very well. Without any putty and CA Glue. I'm quite glad with effect. Sitll waiting for resin Radio.

    @fiveten Nice fit gives fast progress 🙂

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    John vd Biggelaar said 12 months ago:

    This is some nice progress, Bernard @lis
    All looking smooth.

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    capt. R said 12 months ago:

    I made one radio from two small resin radios. Painted an weathered.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.