Thank you @johnb ! Photos show all week build. I have some problems with cockpit floor, that don't fits good at all (plastic was a little bend, and I don't know why - a long time in box?). Detail in cokpit are great. Control panel was hand painted. Fuselage need some liquid putty, and some CA glue to be closed. Canopy needs extra attention to fit in fuseage, and more white glue than usual. It always disappoints me a bit, whether I accidentally made a mistake, or whether the model jets so charming that the fairing does not fit as I would like. During this construction, the painting scheme will be completely different and all lower surfaces will be in black "night", including the main landing gear recesses. Manual is unclear for me, and I spend a lot of time to find how build some detals. I would like to thank @tcinla for substantive help in developing the painting scheme.
Unfortunately, Revell orders each hole to be drilled by itself, which in the case of drilling the antenna in the crew cabin fairing always results in gray hair.
PS. I have no idea what I need to do with bomb bay. It's an option to build it in open position.I need to cut bomb doors in two lines - transversely and longitudinally, because it comeas as single part. But problem is that this plane didn't carry bombs in his duty...
The idea of this project is to made is as OOB build, without PE or resin parts. I hope it will be worked fine,but I'm not sure that I don't broke my rules in future and order resin exhauts 😉
11 attached images. Click to enlarge.