Here's further progress. This is actually the Classic Airframes kit, re-released by SH. I note while working on it and referring to the reviews by me and Scott Van Aken over at Modeling Madness about building it in its previous incarnation, that some minor cleanup and modification was done. Particularly in that internal detail - which you cannot see very much of when the model is closed up. As an older SH kit, it definitely needed Mr. Surfacer on the seams, but the result was nice and smooth.
I went on and painted it overall with Tamiya Flat Aluminum thinned with some Micro Gloss, which gives a nice smooth finish, after painting the fuselage band, the cowling and the underwing area with yellow and masking it off. These airplanes were delivered in overall aluminum lacquer, then the camouflage was "field applied" over that, no other primer. Those that went through overhaul during the war got stripped and primered and fully repainted, but that's not the airplane I am doing.
8 attached images. Click to enlarge.