DHC6-300, Grønlandsfly, Revell 1/72

Started by Erik Gjørup · 2 · 4 years ago · 1/72, airbum, DH100GB, DHC, DHC6, greenlandair, grønlandsfly, ln-decals, Revell, twin otter
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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Migrating from “Work in Progress – Aircraft”

    This was started in February and is now moved here

    I have to admit that nothing has happened with this one in almost 3 months, but with the limit of one year on this GB, it should be an inspiration to get it done!

    Just a quick round of what has happened so far;

    I started with installing the windows, as I wanted to sand them flush

    Here you have a comparison of the sanded and un-sanded versions

    I made a cabin full of very basic chairs, adding a floor and airstair

    Painted the lot and by the way, cut out the cockpit/cabin door.

    The nosecone had a lot of lead to balance the plane

    Some later removed as it was overweight

    I corrected the front to take a vac-formed homemade windscreen

    And that made me come to a screeching halt!

    I have no experience in making vac-formed things, and most likely I will try to make a piece of glass from a heated Perspex that is pulled down over the mold.

    The finished plane will be made as a Greenlandair example with the aid of some LN-decals – a few pictures of it;

    The last two being when it had Greenlandair Charter titles – the decalsheet is for the GRØNLANDSFLY version.

    The original version of this build on iModeler is to be found via this link https://imodeler.com/groups/work-in-progress-aircraft/forum/topic/dhc6-300-oy-pof-gronlandsfly-revell-1-72/

    Hopefully it will now move back to the workbench – time will tell!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Glad to having followed your progress at the WiP, glad to follow your progress her from now on, my friend @airbum!
    You had done some serious work already, and a bit is to be done as well! I am more than sure you'll produce a wonderful result, of this cool workhorse plane!