F 4C. Hickham AB , Hawaii 1984. Revell 1/48.

Started by Simon Whitney · 53 · 8 years ago
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    Simon Whitney said 9 years, 1 month ago:

    Right , here we go.
    1979 tooling, so it says here.

    But why do companies do this as well?

    There again, they did supply this lovely sheet of decals.
    Look at all those stencils.

    But again, some very annoying ejector pin marks!

    There again, she is going to be a big beast, for me that is.

    There are a few mods I am proposing to do.

    1. Remove the arrestor hook, and re attach. There is a definite air gap between it and the fuselage.
    2. Try and thin out the insides of the aux air doors, which sit between the main U/C bays.

    And several more bits as I go along.
    Although, I am keeping it to OOB.
    Except for scrap/spares.


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    Craig Abrahamson said 9 years, 1 month ago:

    Is this your "group build" submission, Simon?

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    Simon Whitney said 9 years, 1 month ago:

    Yes, it is Craig.

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    Rob Anderson said 9 years, 1 month ago:

    Just let's be clear it is a Monogram kit 🙂 Great choice, these are some of the best Phantoms around!

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    Greg Kittinger said 9 years, 1 month ago:

    Fun choice! Let the glue fly! (or is that flow...?)

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 9 years, 1 month ago:

    Monogram used to put their" brand" on parts of their kits, with the manufacture date. I remember it being on the underside of the horizontal stab on one side in several. Out with the blade and sandpaper, zip! Interesting to see the evolution of that, now Revell and China.
    As Rob says, still a good choice for an F4.

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    Simon Whitney said 9 years ago:

    Thanks lads, the build is not fully under way yet.
    But I have done a bit already.

    Right, she is going to be a big bird (to me , that is ).

    A dry fit showed a little problem with the fit but will deal with that as the build goes on.

    The tail hook is moulded to the fuselage.

    My pics show clear daylight between them.

    Also I marked out were those doors are on the underside of the fuselage.

    This area will be given a coat of Black primer.

    Thats all for now .


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    Bernd Müller said 9 years ago:

    Great start, Simon ! The Monogram F-4 is still a fine kit, guess there is a coming stunner on your bench.

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    Simon Whitney said 9 years ago:

    Cheers Bernd, not so much of a start, more of a preparation period.

    Anyhow, removal of the arrestor hook left an UGLY scar.

    I think a bit of light sanding with an angle grinder/sanding stick shall do.
    Although how to repair the rivets I do not know at this time.
    Not much money.
    Anyhow, another thing I noticed, was the air inlet at the base of the tail fin.

    The fillet looks much to thick, so I will replace this as well.
    More updates as and when


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    Rob Anderson said 9 years ago:

    Looks like you are off to a good start! Nice to see the kit in grey, when i built the USAF version years ago it was in olive, man took a ton of white to do the undersides!

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    Greg Kittinger said 9 years ago:

    Looking good!

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    Bernd Müller said 9 years ago:

    Good start, cutting plastic and filling molding flaws is part of modelling these old kits. After all your Monogram F-4 will look the part.

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    Simon Whitney said 9 years ago:

    A little bit more done.
    The inlet at the base of the tail was looked at.
    And, I decided that it looked c**p.
    So, razor saw and files in hand I attacked said area.

    Getting there slowly, but carefully.

    All comments welcome.

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    Bernd Müller said 9 years ago:

    Its great that you care about these little details, Simon. Thats the start of a stunner !
    ( Did my Monogram F-4 oob and was glad that no one was hurt after all )

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    Simon Whitney said 8 years, 11 months ago:

    Right, with the P 47 D out of the way, time to crack on with this .
    Cockpit, wheels, droptanks and gunpod first.

    The seams need cleaning on the tanks and gunpod.
    Can anyone help me here, is this suppose to be there?

    As i said before some filling to do.

    Hope to get more done before the weekend, work again,damn.

    All comments welcome.
