Phantom group build

Started by Thomas Sweeney · 20 · 8 years ago
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    Thomas Sweeney said 9 years ago:

    I'm still waiting for my plane to arrive i ordered it on Ebay in Feb and the arrival date isbetween March 4th and April 4th it must be coming by a slow boat from So. Korea. I will never make the same mistake again


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    Greg Kittinger said 9 years ago:

    Ah well - you can get all your research done prior to arrival, and organize/clean your work area! (yeah - like that ever happens...!)

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    Thomas Sweeney said 9 years ago:

    While I'm waiting I'm planning to make a Aircraft Carrier Deck to display my entry. I have purchased 1/48 aircraft tiedwns and have a great photo to work from. I purchased the paints that I will need. So wish me luck. Anyone having any info about this please let me know


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    George Williams said 9 years ago:

    Hi Tom, there have been a couple posts on this site with carrier decks, have a look in the A-Z under A4 Skyhawk. I was thinking along the same lines, Phoenix make a couple of kits, as do Skunk Models, and Hasegawa do some deck crews and accessory packs. Hope this helps.


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    Thomas Sweeney said 9 years ago:

    My plane finally arrived the plane is by Acadamy and there are more parts than I am use too. i plan to give my best shot but that may not be good enough for the quality of modlers on this site Wish me luck


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    Morne Meyer said 9 years ago:

    Good luck Tom. I am sure it will look awesome. It doesn't matter what others think. We all build to our own standards. What counts is that you enjoy what you do.

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    Greg Kittinger said 9 years ago:

    Tom - ditto what Morne said! This site isn't about "quality," it's about fun and the celebration of the hobby! Yes there are quality builds represented here daily, but those are inspiration for the rest of us! Glad your joining the build!

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 9 years ago:

    Hey, Tom, we're pulling for you! By all accounts, it's a great kit, lots of possibilities in markings. Any questions, just ask, there's all kinds of assistance at your fingertips.

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 9 years ago:

    Tom, Verlinden had a cardboard modern carrier deck section.

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    Rob Anderson said 9 years ago:

    Tom the Academy kit is a pretty straight forward build. There are a few things to look out for. If you google "1/48 Academy F-4B build" you should find plenty. My biggest challenge was with the multi colored plastic, I found it hard to see whether the joints between the two colors were. So Primer is your friend! In case you haven't seen it, here is a good basic quick build from cybermodeler.

    There are lots of online discussions about intakes and air scoops and such on line, myself I think they are pretty overblown the shapes are pretty darned good just as they come out of the box. And if you go to my blog here you can see my VF 84 build. The areas I will look out for more when I build this next one is the way the tail all fits together, the lower section that holds the exhaust is too narrow, and needs sprue or rod inserted to spread it so it fits the main fuselage, mine still ended up a bit shy. Also I will take more time and care fitting the intakes so I don't have to sand as much. Anyway good luck!

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    Thomas Sweeney said 8 years, 11 months ago:

    Here's my feeble attempt at the cockpit


    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Craig Abrahamson said 8 years, 11 months ago:

    Awright...I'm ready to slam this Academy Phantom into the "round file". The first one I did I had trouble with the landing gear. Now on this one, I can't get the cockpit to fit up into the upper fuselage. The design on this kit is bass-ackwards anyway. A full "upper" fuselage and a front half lower fuselage (which is supposed to be affixed to the lower half and kept straight...yeah, right). And my PE cockpit came out fairly decent, too - now it looks as though it won't get built. I can't figure out how to make it fit! Any suggestions?

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    Thomas Sweeney said 8 years, 11 months ago:

    I'm having the same problem. i thought it was just me.


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    Greg Kittinger said 8 years, 11 months ago:

    Although I haven't experienced that particular kit, I will say that I often make heavy use of metal files and sanding sticks (and a knife blade) to get things to fit! I hate to see you really nice cockpit end up without an environment to fly around in!

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    Craig Abrahamson said 8 years, 11 months ago:

    After MAJOR plastic surgery, much aggravation/frustration (which continues), I finally managed to get the cockpit-bottom fuselage to [sorta] fit. I was oh so happy with the way my PE emblazoned cockpit turned out, and now it's effectively ruined. I'll have to reconstruct what I can by working between the canopy rails and reach what I can. This is NOT turning out as I'd hoped. Maybe there's enough patience left in me to produce a fair build after all. We'll see. Although there's plenty of room for error in my future with this kit.

    Suffice is to say, after TWO debacles with that Academy Phantom, I'll stick to Tamigawa from now on - at least I KNOW they'll fit "normally". It's all your fault, Greg! lol