tomcatter 104

Started by Robert Royes · 20 · 8 years ago
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    Robert Royes said 9 years ago:

    Hope I'm doing this right, I'm going to attempt to do an F-4J of VF-31Tomcatters that I was a Plane captain for way back when. Side # 104. 1/72 scale Monogram or Esci.

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    Greg Kittinger said 9 years ago:

    Glad to have you on board, Robert! And - another 1/72 - my favorite scale!

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    Rob Anderson said 9 years ago:

    Excellent choice, I bet you kept her sparkling! Plane Captains are the unsung heroes of Naval Aviation I was an E-2C PC. The Monogram kit is pretty great as I recall My last command I had a friend who was a PC on an F-4S he used to talk about how much time he spent keeping the turkey feathers cleaned. Someday I will build Bear Ace 601 the bird I was PC on, gonna be awhile before I attack another 1/48 Kinetic kit, the COD has worn me out!

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    Craig Abrahamson said 9 years ago:

    Having first-hand knowledge and an "up close and personal" relationship with the Phantom should give you a 'leg up' on detail many of us will miss. Looking forward to your build.

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    Robert Royes said 9 years ago:

    Lack of space dictates the scale , I do like the 1/72 monogram kits. If the "J" bird wasn't leaking hydraulics, something was probably wrong. I knew a E-2C p/c back in my time, he once let me check out the inside. Those props at night on the flight deck were scarier than any intake or exhaust. you couldn't see them! Hope I can live up to all your level of talent, You guys are good.

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    Rob Anderson said 9 years ago:

    Yeah the props were scary. lost a friend to C-2 props one cruise. Later in my career I hated final checking the engine and climbing up in the wheel well with those things spinning. I think Furball may do a sheet with markings for VF 31, not sure, but if they do their decals are excellent.

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    Robert Royes said 9 years ago:

    A bit of topic, the p/c I mentioned did walk into the prop one night during a work up cruise. He obviously didn't make it. Who said the cold war wasn't a war.

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    Rob Anderson said 9 years ago:

    Yep, there is a reason the Flight Deck of a US Carrier is listed as one of the most dangerous places on Earth. I got addicted to the adrenalin rush of being that close to that much power and the sheer danger day after day. Step to the right you live, step to your left and your family gets a letter and a flag. I hated "no fly" days and hated having to go do work in the hanger bay.

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    Robert Royes said 9 years ago:

    Head out your *** , head on a swivel, and don't get complacent . I love the smell of JP-5 exhaust in the morning! Nothing like being berthed under the No. 3 wire.

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    Robert Royes said 8 years, 12 months ago:

    Just received Aeromaster decals for my build, never used this brand , any special hints in their use?

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    Morne Meyer said 8 years, 11 months ago:

    Hi Robert. I have used Aeromaster decals before and had no bad experience with them. Just put them down on a smooth glossy surface. I found Future floor polish to give an excellent glossy surface. I also used Model Master decal setting solution to fix them down over panel lines and complex surfaces. Good luck.

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    Rob Anderson said 8 years, 11 months ago:

    I have had the same experiences as Morne, I would add that occasionally Aeromaster gets a thing or two "not quite right" in their sheets, thus the rather unfair moniker "errormaster". I have never had an issue on sheets I have used however and have found them to be very nice to use! I think the nick name came from errors in German WWII sheets, but as I say I never was able to find anything on ones I have bought.

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    Robert Royes said 8 years, 11 months ago:

    Thank you both, discovered that I only had left over antique hasegawa vf-31 decals, made mad search on ebay, luckily I found the sheet,

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    Robert Royes said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Got most of the decals in place, the Aeromasters worked out ok, I even managed to piece together the correct BuAer number, Now I'm going to try my hand at decal making, the aircrew name and mine. I'm using Testors system, wish me luck

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    Robert Royes said 8 years, 8 months ago:

    Got the blivet done, going to add it to the under wing stores

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