Seamus and Rick - thanks for the info on the decals. The sheet in my kit looks pretty good, and I was going to ask if Solvaset would be too strong for those. Good to know that it's not. I may just go ahead and coat the decal sheet to ward off any potential problems. Don't think I'm going to try the hair dryer thing just yet! I'm guessing a good coat of Future would be a good idea before decalling?
Al, I usually thin my paint 50/50 with laquer thinner, using the Mk. I eyeball method, and shoot at about 15-20 psi. I've been reducing the thinner a bit because due to the heat here because the paint is almost dry before it hits the model. I was able to mask off the underside about an hour after painting so I could shoot the upper dark earth color. That took a little longer to dry because I adjusted the laquer thinner ratio a bit. I use blue Scotch painters tape for my masking and have had no trouble at all with it. After wiping the model down with alcohol (to remove finger oil and mold release) I usually shoot a thin first coat and let it dry for a few minutes before I shoot the final coat. Those little first aid alcohol wipes will work well for the wiping down, though I usually use a soft cloth.
I've never airbrushed acrylics, but a good friend of mine swears he'll disown me if I ever do!