BoF/BoB Group Build Part 11-Hurricane Update

Started by Seamus Boughe · 8 · 8 years ago
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    Seamus Boughe said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    I know it has been quite some time since I last posted on my “Battle of Britain” Hurricane. Hey, life gets in the way sometimes leaving leisure/free time at a premium. However, I kept plugging away at my “Hurc” when time allowed and I think I have finally progressed to a point where an update was apropos.

    First, I took care of some small details that Revell does not include in their kit such as the forward site, the retractable foot-step, and the armored back plate in the cockpit. I know the back plate is not 100% accurate, but it looks a heck of a lot better than what the kit offered.

    I experienced an interesting phenomenon when joining the wings to the fuselage. If I made the join in the usual way, joining the upper wings to the lower wing and then to the fuselage, major gaps resulted. Yet, if I joined the upper wings to the fuselage first, then offered the lower wing up, the fit was very “Tamiya-esque”, so that is the way I went. The biggest disappointment was the fit of the landing and navigation lights. The landing light lenses did not fit at all, and there was nothing in the way of a light to sit behind them. I decided I would have to make new landing light lenses. I used the clear plastic from a package of oatmeal raisin cookies. The fit is not the best, but it is far better than the fit of the original kit parts. The navigation lights were too small for their respective spaces, so I did a little shimming, sanding, shaping, and buffing and eventually, I had some navigation lights.

    I did a bit of filling, some more scribing, added some more details, and am finally at the point where it is time for masking and painting. See you in the next update.

    28 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Stephen W Towle said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Looks like some strong working going on this build. It never occurred to me that a modeler would have to eat their way into making a model. The Oat meal cookies look grand and the packaging is a good source for making the light covers.

    Seamus, are you planning on opening the hand grip on the fuselage? My understanding is that the stirrup was linked to that hand hold plate so that when the stirrup was down the hand hold plate would open up for the pilot to grab and lift themselves on to the wing. I really like the stirrup detail by the way.

    Keep up the good work.

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    Seamus Boughe said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Your understanding of the stirrup/hand hold is correct and as much as it irks me, I cannot open the hand hold plate as the plastic is way too thick on the fuselage for me to get a good, neat cut. I suppose this is one detail I will have to leave well enough alone.

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    James Robert Feuilherade said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Looking very good Saemus, the Hurri I mean, not the cookies! Love the little brass (?) nuts and bolts. Amazed at how accurate the overall shape and wing dihedral is of this old Revel classic of the Hurricane. I've recently finished the new tool Airfix 1/48th (posted on the Headlines page), great kit from Airfix. I think you will end up with a great Hurricane model with this old kit. Are you planning on doing Bob Tuck's aircraft, I think this kit came with the markings? Tuck was my boyhood hero.

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    Seamus Boughe said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Despite it's age, the general outline of this kit is pretty accurate. Some have complained that the nose contour is a bit off, but it looks okay to me. As far as the dihedral, it is built into the lower wing by way of of a spar and it does work well. Yes, my kit came with markings for Tuck's Hurricane, but the colors are wrong. I have not yet decided what markings I will use on my Hurricane, but I am torn between a crate flown by James "Ginger" Lacy or one flown by Arthur Victor "Darkie" Clowes.

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    Bryan W. Bernart said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Terrific looking work, Seamus.
    The smaller details and your finish work really make it happen.
    I "get" the life gets in the way part.

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    Vincent Perry said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Amazing detail

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Seamus, God bless the work! Happy Saint Patricks day!
    And God bless all here, surely!